Cookbook Obscura
The podcast that turns obscure recipes into awesome conversations.
Join good friends and comedians Shannon Devido (Lucky Hank, Terrible People, Best Summer Ever), Aubrie Williams (ManiPedi, Goat Rodeo), and Ralph Andracchio (King Friday, Sad Trombone) as they challenge their guests (and each other) to make obscure recipes from obscure cookbooks and then eat them together. It's like saying "Ew this is weird...try this" but in podcast form.
Do you like odd recipes? Or cookbooks with weird merchandising tie-ins? How about baloney as a vital ingredient? If so, then this show is for you!
Please eat responsibly.
Cookbook Obscura
S01E01 - Samantha Russell and the Case of The Leaning Chimney Cones
Welcome to the show that turns obscure recipes into awesome conversations, Cookbook Obscura! This week, the gang welcomes Samantha Russell to help crack the Case of the Leaning Chimney Cones. We'll wade through too much bologna, mix a few drinks, chat about DB Cooper, and realize parsley could very well save the world.
Sam is a sketch comedian, glassware-inspired mixologist, vintage clothing enthusiast, and cat ambassador. She has been a member of sketch groups Secret Pants, Goat Rodeo, and Youth Large and one-half of the comedy duo Russell & Craig. Sam can be heard on her podcast "Should I Keep This?" and seen on Instagram in pictures with her cat.
Want more weird recipes in your life? Don’t forget to hit that subscribe button and share this show with your friends. Wanna see what we’re eating? Then check out our YouTube channel for the complete video of this episode and our Insta for the recipe and behind-the-scenes clips.
And now... Let's eat!
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The Should I Keep This? Podcast
Nancy Drew Cookbook on Amazon
Club Shampoo in Philly
The ZipStrip Herb Stripper Kitchen Gadget
All About DB Cooper
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The Cookbook Obscura Podcast
Season 01
Episode 01
Sam Russell and the Case of The Leaning Chimney Cones
Ralph Andracchio
Welcome to the show that turns obscure recipes into awesome conversations... Cookbook Obscura! Do you like odd food combos? Or cookbooks with weird merchandising tie-ins? How about bologna as a vital ingredient? If so, then you found your new favorite podcast. This week. The kitchen staff welcome Samantha Russell. Sam is a sketch comedian, glassware inspired mixologist, vintage clothing enthusiast, and cat ambassador. She's been a member of the sketch group Secret Pants, Goat Rodeo and Youth Large, and one half of the comedy duo Russell & Craig. Sam can be heard on her podcast "Should I Keep This?" and seen on Instagram in pictures with her cat. Want more weird recipes in your life. Don't forget to hit that subscribe button and share this show with your friends. Want to see what we're eating? Then check out our YouTube channel for the complete video this episode as well as our Insta for the recipe and behind the scenes clips. And now... let's eat!
Ralph Andracchio
Alright... hi everybody.
Shannon DeVido
Ralph Andracchio
We're ready. We're doing it.
Shannon DeVido
We're doing it.
Ralph Andracchio
We're doing it.
Aubrie Williams
We're cooking together some obscure Nancy Drew
Shannon DeVido
Cooking together... we should have a theme song.
Aubrie Williams
Oh yeah.
Ralph Andracchio
We should. Do we know anyone?
Shannon DeVido
Cookin' together and throwin' up later.
Ralph Andracchio
This first recipe looks like I threw it up later.
Aubrie Williams
Yeah. But before during and after...
Shannon DeVido
It's... you're just baby birding it. You're pre-baby birding it.
Aubrie Williams
Oh no, this is this is not great out the gate saying we just baby birded this into the bologna but hey, guys, check it out,
Shannon DeVido
It's kinda what it looks like.
Aubrie Williams
It kinda looks like we did.
Ralph Andracchio
So if anybody's wondering... if somebody has happened upon this podcast and you're saying "What are they talking about?" You found Cookbook Obscura, where we find obscure cookbooks and obscure recipes and we actually make them and force ourselves to eat them with friends and high jinks ensue. Yeah.
Shannon DeVido
But Shannon doesn't
Ralph Andracchio
Shannon doesn't.
Aubrie Williams
The big reveal Shannon is the only smart one here.
Ralph Andracchio
Well done Shannon.
Shannon DeVido
I do what I can. This is why you you bring a podcast to others and then you make the rules where you don't have to eat it. Being in charge is fun.
Aubrie Williams
Ralph and I are taking one for the team. You know, and our wonderful guests. First up we're cooking the Nancy Drew Cookbook: Clues to Good Cooking which is odd that it's named that
Shannon DeVido
Because there's nothing in there that is good... or considered cooking,
Aubrie Williams
There's fresh toast and there's waffles but other than that all of them are a little off center for sure.
Shannon DeVido
Where... Can someone buy this cookbook? Is is the question I have.
Aubrie Williams
You can purchase it on Amazon.
Shannon DeVido
Oh, excellent. So everyone watching...
Ralph Andracchio
Maybe we can put a link.
Shannon DeVido
Oh we will put a link How much do you hate yourself?
Ralph Andracchio
$19.95 much? Okay, great.
Shannon DeVido
Oh, that's about where I'm at.
Aubrie Williams
Let's say yeah, this is not exciting content. I'll look this up later.
Ralph Andracchio
We'll put it in the show notes.
Aubrie Williams
Cool. Perfect.
Ralph Andracchio
So anyway, we started this show because all of us love talking to each other. We love watching ourselves on Zoom calls. And we love cooking. I love cooking. I don't know if any of you love cooking.
Aubrie Williams
I love cooking.
Ralph Andracchio
Shannon DeVido
Shannon is not allowed to cook.
Aubrie Williams
Yeah, that's... that was yeah, that was the stipulation.
Ralph Andracchio
And also Aubrie, you found these terrible cookbooks. You want to say a little about what inspired you?
Aubrie Williams
Yes. So I was actually given this cookbook by Kristen Finger's mother. I bought all of her old Nancy Drew's and this is actually our recipe today is called Leaning Chimney Cones. And this is The Clue of the Leaning Chimney. No, no cone involved in the title but Kristen's mom threw in this bonus. And I was like never gonna open it. And one night before bed I was like, let me just check this cookbook out like literally right before bed. And I opened to our recipe that we're cooking tonight. And I texted Shannon immediately and I was like, "What is this?" what it like this is like, better than most of the comedy I've done. It's real. It's real. It's real. unhinged. Is is what I'm saying. So yeah, thank you for joining us for this rollercoaster of a ride we're gonna go on together.
Shannon DeVido
Can I ask a Nancy Drew question?
Aubrie Williams
Sure! Yeah, I don't know if I have...
Shannon DeVido
Is each recipe like is there a book that coincides with each recipe? Like, how many Nancy Drew books are there?
Aubrie Williams
So I think there are over 100 and then they would continue the series like currently so there's there has to be hundreds at this -
Shannon DeVido
Oh so like after... who wrote it? Not Nancy Drew
Aubrie Williams
Carolyn Keene.
Shannon DeVido
Great. So after she died. I didn't know her name. I just assumed her name was Nancy Drew. Um, so after she died, then they kept going?
Aubrie Williams
Yeah, she had ghostwriters. And also I think, I think Carolyn Keane was her pen name. I should have looked this up before we -
Shannon DeVido
Oh like Shakespeare.
Ralph Andracchio
Isn't that the singer that that wrote that Tapestry album, or am I thinking of somebody else?
Aubrie Williams
That's Carole King.
Aubrie Williams
This is a Carolyn Keene.
Ralph Andracchio
Sorry. I, yeah, Sorry
Aubrie Williams
And one of the recipes is called A Keene Soup spelled like her last name. So no, not all of these -
Shannon DeVido
So not really
Aubrie Williams
- not all of these recipes are named after the book titles, but most of them are, I would say 90 percent. And then there's Attorney Shrimp Sauce because her dad was an attorney. And then there's I think the rest of them are pretty much -
Shannon DeVido
Okay, great.
Aubrie Williams
Some are like... yeah
Shannon DeVido
To be determined, I guess. As we continue this journey,
Aubrie Williams
We'll keep a counter of what is a book name.
Shannon DeVido
Okay so today... yes.
Aubrie Williams
Ding ding ding. We have a winner. Winner winner bologna dinner.
Ralph Andracchio
I had to touch too much baloney today and let me tell you... never wanna do -
Shannon DeVido
Boy is my stomach tired
Ralph Andracchio
Boy... do I have to shit myself
Aubrie Williams
Let's save that for...
Ralph Andracchio
That's that's the that's the after show for the Patreon.
Aubrie Williams
That is the after show. But for now -
Shannon DeVido
Just Ralph in his bathroom. It's very quiet. Sort of.
Aubrie Williams
That's on the Patreon
Ralph Andracchio
It's ASMR content, for people who need it. Speaking of taking a long journey into the bathroom, we should probably introduce our guest.
Aubrie Williams
Yes, tonight -
Ralph Andracchio
If she didn't leave already.
Aubrie Williams
Hopefully we did not scare her off. Tonight we are joined by the lovely Sam Russell and you can find her also on a podcast "Should I Keep This?" on Crossroads Comedy. And you can also in the past, you can look up stuff online. Because Sam was a member of Goat Rodeo, um, directed Goat Rodeo and was also a member of Secret Pants.
Sam Russell
I'm delighted to be here.
Ralph Andracchio
Sam Russell
I love weird food. So you know, lay it on me man. I'm in the right place.
Ralph Andracchio
This is a big get to get for our first episode. It's all downhill from here.
Shannon DeVido
It's very true.
Aubrie Williams
No, thank you for being the inaugural guest.
Sam Russell
Oh, I'm honored. I am so down for this. I love weird cookbooks. I kind of collect like old cookbooks like the... I brought up like these Better Homes and Gardens ones and they always have like the weird gelatin molds...
Shannon DeVido
Salad Book!?
Sam Russell
Yeah and it's all jell-o molds. this salad book here is like it's what I love them. Because they're like they're beautiful photos and like drawings and stuff. And then the the recipes are bonkers. And you're like do people actually like this or was this like a thing that they did? Because they thought it was funny. I don't I don't know
Sam Russell
Wait wait, there's no actual salad in the salad books, they're all jell-o molds?
Sam Russell
There are some salad, there's just a lot of jell-o molds.
Sam Russell
Sure, because when I think salad...
Sam Russell
Oh yeah, it's jell-o. Yeah, yeah,
Aubrie Williams
Why not? Why not whip a salad up in a in a gelatinous blob and ah...
Sam Russell
Cuz what could possibly go wrong like you know, putting salad ingredients into a jell-o mold. Like I don't. How does that make anything better? I don't just throw it in a bowl. It's vegetables.
Aubrie Williams
Yeah, go to a bar in Delco you might get like a salad jell-o shot. It might just have a piece of iceberg in it.
Ralph Andracchio
Was it like a future - like a futuristic thing because I know like the every - putting everything in gelatin was like big in the 50's like 40s and 50's, like like future oh, we're living in the future look everything's suspended and gelatin now
Sam Russell
Maybe and I guess it's like about presentation like making it look fancier. But if anything goes wrong, you just wasted a lot of time and it's gonna look terrible. So there's a lot of it's high risk, low reward I think.
Ralph Andracchio
When you're feeling fancy, what's your go to recipe for like, I want to treat myself tonight to something suspended in gelatin?
Sam Russell
I'm going to be honest, I've never suspended anything in gelatin but I am...
Ralph Andracchio
It doesn't ahve to be susspended in gelatin. What's your what's your fancy go to if you want to feel like a million bucks.
Sam Russell
Fancy? See the thing is like if I'm it depends I kind of go low rent if I'm in a in a mood like but I guess it's more in a bad mood because I eat a lot of hot dogs and stuff where I'll be like, I'm gonna get I'm gonna get hot dogs...
Ralph Andracchio
Look what Shannon's eating tonight!
Sam Russell
Love hot dogs.
Shannon DeVido
They're the greatest food of all time.
Sam Russell
Yeah, but I don't know. I guess I make a good shrimp scampi. That's like a thing I do enjoy making.
Shannon DeVido
Ooh that's very fancy.
Sam Russell
Yeah, that's fancy. I'm trying to think because I do I love cooking. Um, but yeah, I'm kind of blanking but I yeah shrimp scampi is kind of one of my main go to's for it's it's easier and fancy. And I have done other stuff where I've done like rack of lamb and things like that. But these are like more complicated and I'm not going to do that all the time. Like if just on a like, Ooh, I'm feeling sassy tonight. That would be a scampi night if I don't have like the time to prepare.
Ralph Andracchio
What makes it scampi?
Sam Russell
It's like wine and garlic, lemon juice, ah...yeah.
Aubrie Williams
So fancy. You'r also...
Sam Russell
Aubrie Williams
You're also a great party host too. So I feel like you make a lot of recipes that are like fancy snacks
Sam Russell
Themed. Yeah I do. Yeah, we do. My husband and I host a lot of themed parties. So we do themed snacks, and we'll do like a really dumb thing. It's a lot of times it's puns. We did. A lot of we did a Law and Order party and we would have we had a Maloney salad but has like melon in it and like we did a it was the the DA plate the cheese plate and all of the cheeses were named after all of the D A's and it was like prosecuco. You know like instead of prosciutto and I'm trying to think of all of the names of all of the cheeses but and then we did like a Game of Thrones party. So we did a lot of anything that was like featured in the show and we did like a lamb pie that had fingers coming out of it like Aria made that pie. We did trying to think, sorry, I didn't mentally prep for this. We did Breaking Bad and we did like scrambled eggs and green beans from Albertsons and like all of these like very specific references from the shows but yeah, we have a lot of fun. And then I make a lot of weird foods for people to come over and eat, cuz of course you want weird foods that I kind of make up and go here you go. Have fun. Welcome to my home.
Sam Russell
Maybe the balogna cones will ah...
Sam Russell
Next party I'm going to make these bologna cones I think.
Ralph Andracchio
Oh boy.
Shannon DeVido
Oh man. I'm sorry. Do you? Are you a good do you think that you're a good cook?
Sam Russell
I think so. I'd like to think so. Yeah, I'm really bad at following recipes though. I'm like, I don't like following recipes. I'll just kind of read them and then I do what I feel like so that's that's a thing that I do and when I don't bake well for that very reason. Because I can't I there's I just can't do the exact stuff. And I get really frustrated where I'm like, No, I thought that was enough. And then the cookies turned out terrible. And I'm like I'm never doing this again. So I like to just kind of play around in the kitchen and I'll just go oh, this seems like it will go together and then you're like Oh good. This did go together. But then I don't remember how to make it later because they just kind of threw it together. If I like something that's always the problem.
Shannon DeVido
Whatever Yeah, I feel like that makes a good like inventive cook, right?
Aubrie Williams
Shannon DeVido
You're not like, you know, you're not like a Lego box person. You're a person with Legos who makes interesting things.
Sam Russell
Yeah. And I even I for a while I was getting those like mailed food kits. Oh, yeah. And I would get really frustrated when I'm just like, Oh, I'm supposed to follow this recipe but I want to add garlic powder like and I just kind of do it like at first I was like doing it and going no, gotta go buy the book. Like who cares? I don't know why I was following the rules so hard. But yeah, I have I just have a hard time. Sticking to a recipe I have to I have to do my own thing.
Ralph Andracchio
Yeah, I heard I forget where I heard it. But like they somebody said that. Baking is science and like cooking is art. Because baking it's if you deviate, like temperature, time, recipe. Nothing's gonna work but cooking. It's just like, Yeah, I'll throw a little bit extra in here. See what happens and it's it turns out great. So that's why I like baking. I do bake but not so much like cooking just for your reason. Like I want to throw a little this in and see what happens.
Sam Russell
I just want to try. You know what, I'm gonna put some lime zest in here and just see what happens. What's the worst that could happen?
Ralph Andracchio
You get leaning bologna cones. Is what you get.
Shannon DeVido
So you guys are talking about baking. Here's the this is why I want to preface this because there's there's a reason why Shannon is not cooking. I don't know why I'm talking about myself in third person. There's a reason why I am not cooking and it has to do with baking. So what I was 12 I have very vivid memories of this I we make Christmas cookies every year. And I was in charge of mixing all the stuff together. And so I used baking soda instead of baking powder or other way around. I'm not sure which one but it doesn't matter. So we made two or three dozen beautiful cut out cookies, sprinkles, the whole nine. Brought them over to my family's house. Everyone bit into them and they tasted like pure salt and so I was like what it's just baking in the thing it's the same thing. Why is it different? And then so anyway, I'm not allowed in the kitchen.
Sam Russell
Ever since then
Shannon DeVido
ever since then...that and trying to make grilled cheese in the microwave. But that's a story for another time. So anyway. There's a reason why I'm getting takeout and not making what the rest of you are making because if on top of making this horrible food, I would have made it 1000 times worse. And so I just wanted to preface there had to be a reason why I wasn't doing what you guys are doing. Also I have the tastebuds of a three year old but that's also not the point. All right, continue.
Sam Russell
What if you made it and then by accident, it was really good.
Shannon DeVido
I promise you it would not be
Aubrie Williams
Here's my thought. I think you would just be like I hate radishes. I hate parsley. I hate. I'm just gonna eat balogna. You just have like maybe a bite of bologna.
Shannon DeVido
Maybe not even that
Aubrie Williams
A meat substitute.
Shannon DeVido
That's also true. I was not an adventurer... I'm not an adventurous eater. So I'm very grateful that you are Sam and that the rest of that Aubrie and Ralph are as well. You guys are my heroes and I'm gonna be over here eating like a 12 year old.
Aubrie Williams
Anything for you Shan.
Shannon DeVido
You guys are the best.
Aubrie Williams
This balogna cone's for you cheers.
Shannon DeVido
It's like this Bud's for you. But balogna.
Ralph Andracchio
Well do you want to do we want to talk about the recipe? Do you want to dive in?
Aubrie Williams
Yeah, our first recipe is Leaning Chimney Cones and you can... we're gonna post the full recipe on our on our website on our social media, in case you want to make it at home. We're not sure that that's going to be the case. But honestly, after we eat this we'll see what our reactions are you might be real into it. Maybe you're drunk and only have bologna, radishes, parsley...
Sam Russell
Cottage cheese.
Aubrie Williams
Cottage cheese. You know everything that would have in a college dorm.
Ralph Andracchio
Or if you're a depression era mother of seventeen.
Aubrie Williams
so for the record this cookbook was made in 1978 because we did think it was Depression era. Just based on this recipe alone. This recipe calls for 12 slices of bologna, six sprigs of parsley, two pimentos... which is a real serial killer ingredient. Four cups of radishes, a quarter cup finely cut chives, one pint cottage cheese and salt and pepper to taste.
Shannon DeVido
There's not one ingredient in there that I want to put in my mouth.
Sam Russell
I also I was reading the pimento because at first I was like oh what do you pull the pimento... like one like pimento out of an olive, but it's not it's a pimento like a like a whole pepper.
Ralph Andracchio
Yeah, I that's what I thought too. I was like, do I need olives for this? I don't understand. Didn't know what a pimento was.
Aubrie Williams
Like a jat of pimentos, right?
Sam Russell
Yeah. Yeah, but it's not like two pieces. It's not two pieces of like that like what the size of an olive. Is that what you did?
Aubrie Williams
That's what I did. I did two in a pimento jar. This is where it gets fun guys. We have all different interpretations.
Aubrie Williams
I gotta...
Shannon DeVido
Wait, wait wait... did you take, like you got olives, and then you pulled the middle out? Is that what you did?
Aubrie Williams
I bought a jar of pimentos and I took two from the jar of pimentos.
Sam Russell
I'm picturing you with like tweezers like, whooop.
Shannon DeVido
Yeah, I got really excited just now picturing you in the kitchen like, well, I don't know what else to do. So I guess I'm pulling the middle out of here
Aubrie Williams
But you were supposed to do two, right? Ralph and Sam did you do two pimentos? Or did you do more?
Ralph Andracchio
We were, but I didn't use them because I didn't realize they were bell peppers and I'm allergic so I left them out.
Aubrie Williams
I'm so sorry Ralph.
Ralph Andracchio
I didn't know what they were. I mean, I won't die. My lips swell up so I would look very sexy for a day.
Shannon DeVido
Sam Russell
I assumed that I was supposed to use the amount for what a full pimento pepper would be. So I did like a spoonful because I did a half recipe but I did a spoonful of what was in the like a jar a jar of pimento.
Aubrie Williams
Okay, cool
Sam Russell
but I also could have just been you know doing my thing because that was you know, I already told you I can't follow a recipe. So.
Aubrie Williams
You're probably right it just says two pimentos but like their dice when you get them in a jar. So I wonder what a full pimento... Yeah, I just assumed what was an olive is a full pimento.
Sam Russell
I'm not sure. This is part of the mystery, right?
Aubrie Williams
This this is a true mystery.
Sam Russell
The Mystery of the Pimento and how much is it? And is Ralph allergic
Ralph Andracchio
Are your lips blowin' up yet? We're not doing it right.
Aubrie Williams
So so also a fun a fun thing. The recipe called for for you to peel the rind off the bologna and I will show you and I don't know if it will read and this is going to probably drip out the bottom... yup. So it said peel the rind off and I tried to peel the rind off Oscar Meyer but it's just a bunch of like thumb prints. You can't peel it off. So I just gave up after this. But I wanted to show the world that I tried.
Sam Russell
I think I don't think mine had a rind either. Maybe yours didn't even really have a rind like maybe,
Aubrie Williams
It has a little bit of a rind but not... I think it means like old timey baloney when you have like that like actual like waxy
Sam Russell
Yeah, like a casing kind of thing.
Aubrie Williams
I'm gonna put this on my plate because I think this is the one, but my thumbprint one.
Sam Russell
I also enjoyed the recipe like really hammered hard on the bottom about garnishing with parsley because of how healthy it is. Like put a sprig of parsley in there because it's got so many nutrients and I'm going what? Parsley?
Aubrie Williams
They, always Yeah, they have... wait let me, let me try and get to it...
Sam Russell
I over like I put a lot of parsley OMG it's so wet. Mine is so wet, it's gross.
Aubrie Williams
At the bottom, it says a nutritional decoration. Insert a sprig of parsley into the top of each cone. Parsley is colorful and full of vitamin C and she said put a lot...
Shannon DeVido
Is that true? I mean is it healthy like is this a thing that we should really know?
Sam Russell
It's full of vitamin C.
Aubrie Williams
It says full of vitamin C but I honestly don't believe... I don't know if I believe everything in this cookbook. So I'm gonna...
Ralph Andracchio
Speaking of parsley, I want to plug a little kitchen gadget that I have. I don't know if anybody else has these but, if you can, if you're watching this on YouTube, you can see this. It's a little bowl and it has a little like shaft coming up the side of it and there's different size holes in it. So if you have parsley or basil or thyme or anything that you have to pick the leaves off, you just stick the stem through here and pull it and everything ends up in the bowl.
Sam Russell
Oh, that's nice. I like it.
Ralph Andracchio
I use this all the time. Get one of these. It's so good. It's like eight bucks on Amazon.
Shannon DeVido
That's awesome. Why would you even think to purchase that?
Aubrie Williams
Yeah, why? What was the initial reason?
Ralph Andracchio
Because I actually I saw it I think I saw it on a cooking show. And I was like, I gotta get me one of those. And they were right. It was just...
Aubrie Williams
Yeah, yeah. It's gonna come in such handy because parsley is involved in a lot of these. I'm not even joking.
Shannon DeVido
Very healthy.
Sam Russell
Yeah, they got money from big parsley.
Aubrie Williams
They have one grapefruit recipe, which also I believe has vitamin C, but 1000 parsley recipes, so...
Sam Russell
It also - maybe they just got like one of those bunches and it's so big that they're just well I got to use all of this. So let me just make all of these recipes and just add some parsley to it.
Aubrie Williams
Maybe Carolyn Keene's family was like the big parsley distributor.
Sam Russell
Yeah that could be it.
Aubrie Williams
She made zero on the Nancy Drew series, ah franchise.
Ralph Andracchio
And I now I have a giant bowl of the filling left that I don't know I've been munching on it. It's actually not bad.
Aubrie Williams
I tried it too and it tasted like weird coleslaw, but not in a bad way. Like I'm not kidding. I'm not kidding. Did you try it Sam?
Sam Russell
I did. And I didn't hate it. I, cuz I'm sitting there making it and I'm going radishes, and cottage cheese. This is a children's book. Like what kind of weird like, if you put carrots in a thing kids like carrots like, you don't put radishes in a thing. And then I go and I had like a little leftover and there was like little leftover baloney. And I throw it in my mouth and I went oh shit. I would have loved this as a kid but I was like a weird kid. Like, oh, oh no, this was for me. Nevermind, that was the kid that this was for.
Aubrie Williams
Yeah, I feel like I would have eaten this as a kid too because like if I put this in the fridge at my family's house right now guaranteed two of my family members would definitely eat this without thinking... blinking an eye
Sam Russell
it's a mine got really wet. I don't know if yours got I kind of shredded my carrots on like a little shredder thing. And then when I went to put them in, they felt kind of wet in themselves. And when I it's just drippy, like the whole thing. There's so much liquid on my plate here.
Aubrie Williams
I'm gonna put a little drip action on the whoever whoever watches this on YouTube is in for a treat.
Shannon DeVido
Sam Russell
Oh my gosh yours look beautiful.
Shannon DeVido
Yours is like dry
Sam Russell
Yours look dry but look how wet mine are. There's liquid down here.
Aubrie Williams
I don't want to put it too close to my computer and break my mouse thing.
Shannon DeVido
Not covered under warranty.
Sam Russell
I will say the act of rolling balogna is just like so like I feel semi disturbed by that whole thing because first of all, it seemed like I'm like I'll just roll this up and then it just wouldn't go. And I'm like I need like I know that I need two people like somebody to hold the other end of this bologna and it was so unruly and then the feeling of bologna on your fingertips while you're rolling it I'm going oh, oh God I need to get this over with so it was a little disturbing.
Ralph Andracchio
It sounds like a Depression era like tell off like "Why don't you go roll some bologna!?"
Sam Russell
I'm gonna say that to someone.
Shannon DeVido
Can we get that trending?
Aubrie Williams
Yeah, let's roll some baloney. Let's ah...
Shannon DeVido
Hashtag roll balogna.
Sam Russell
All right. Are we digging in? Are we doin' it?
Ralph Andracchio
Yeah I think we're gonna try it.
Aubrie Williams
Yeah, let's do it.
Shannon DeVido
Bottom's up guys.
Aubrie Williams
Cheers, friend.
Sam Russell
Aubrie Williams
Okay. Not...
Sam Russell
It's not that bad.
Aubrie Williams
It's not bad.
Ralph Andracchio
OMG it's not bad.
Shannon DeVido
This is a twist I did not see coming.
Aubrie Williams
It is dripping which makes me a little grossed but
Sam Russell
really I thought the radish and all of that was gonna be very bitter. And it's not.
Aubrie Williams
I'm gonna eat this whole thing.
Sam Russell
Like this is this is really not bad.
Ralph Andracchio
Sam Russell
And yeah
Aubrie Williams
The cottage cheese is like a surprisingly it's it feels like a smart choice like mayonnaise would be like gross I feel like
Ralph Andracchio
Aubrie Williams
Like it ties it together.
Sam Russell
I never used cottage cheese like I don't. It just is like I don't know the thing you like women in the 80s would eat like when they're watching their weight. Like that's the only thing I know cottage cheese from. And I don't know what I thought it was but it's not it's not bad.
Aubrie Williams
Yeah. It's cheese.
Shannon DeVido
It's so lumpy.
Aubrie Williams
It is lumpy.
Ralph Andracchio
It's very lumpy.
Sam Russell
it's gross looking. But it doesn't taste bad.
Shannon DeVido
Sam Russell
You also have to put a warning on this podcast because there's a lot of like chewing noises and people get mad about chewing noises.
Aubrie Williams
We're gonna do an ASMR Patreon for our - we're just going to chew radishes.
Ralph Andracchio
Just me eating these these rolls.
Sam Russell
Oh god, I got the juice all over my desk.
Aubrie Williams
Dude I know it's...
Sam Russell
it dripped.
Aubrie Williams
It's caught on my plate. There's like a pool of it. It's so gross.
Sam Russell
Oh, oh God
Aubrie Williams
Isn't it funny that this is like a balogna cone and you're like or is she trying to make kids think this is like a fun dessert or like a this is like an ice cream cone mom.
Sam Russell
It's hardly a cone like this doesn't it doesn't did yours hold more of a cone shape? Like cuz mine flattened out like a burrito or like a fajita kind of thing.
Aubrie Williams
So if you look at the bottom, I held like a pretty good cone shape. But it took like, it still has a hole in it but like when it's dripping well slowburn Oh, there goes there goes. Oh, but it took me a few times. You just had to like fold it over. Like like you're swaddling a child.
Sam Russell
I'm not meant to be a mother. I can't roll this.
Ralph Andracchio
Do you think they had like different shaped baloney because I only found the circles. Maybe Is it supposed to be maybe you're supposed to use I don't know is there square bologna?
Aubrie Williams
There is if you buy... it I think there I think you can get like a more square oblong bologna if you go to a grocery store. I believe there are many types of Bologna but I'm not an expert. I'm not a balogna expert.
Sam Russell
And would a square make a cone better? I've never really made a cone. So I don't know.
Aubrie Williams
I wouldn't make one out of bologna if I were going to make a cone but here we are.
Sam Russell
I don't really think I'll do it again either even though I mean I'm not. I'm not hating this, but I just don't need to roll bologna ever again.
Aubrie Williams
No. Yeah, I can feel it in my hands, the bologna and like...
Sam Russell
Balogna texture is not my fav.
Shannon DeVido
Did you guys eat bologna, like bologna sandwiches as a child?
Aubrie Williams
I did. Yeah, I would bring them for lunch. Yeah.
Ralph Andracchio
Balogna or liverwurst.
Shannon DeVido
Oh, that's a big one in my house.
Aubrie Williams
So yeah, I did..
Shannon DeVido
Not.. not me, let's be real. No, no, no,
Aubrie Williams
I never pinned you for a liverwurst person Shannon
Shannon DeVido
Oh, the name alone! Okay,
Aubrie Williams
As a kid, we loved it. My dad would like give it to us and like we never blinked an eye. We never asked...
Shannon DeVido
Balogna or liverwurst?
Aubrie Williams
Shannon DeVido
Oh okay
Sam Russell
I don't know if I've ever had liverwurst. Wait is that the one with the olives in it?
Aubrie Williams
No, that's pimento loaf. Which I love. I am a real...
Shannon DeVido
Did you... Did you think about getting one of those and then popping the pimentos out and putting them in your thing today?
Aubrie Williams
No, because you know how much this drips already? If I knew then what I know now. It flowing out like a shower
Sam Russell
The holes! The extra roles
Shannon DeVido
It's like Swiss cheese.
Aubrie Williams
No, I am I don't know that I will make this because I feel like everyone will judge me even more than they already do. But like I am curious to try this with a pimento loaf, but I never want to chop radishes again. How are you chopping radishes? It takes so long.
Shannon DeVido
Sam Russell
They're just very tough. Like they're thick and they're small. So they're hard to get like a grip on, and I was kind of shredding them. On the like a thing and then I get to a point where I just like went oh, I don't want to hurt my hands now and then like now I have just a bunch of radish nubs
Aubrie Williams
I chopped them with a knife and it took forever. It didn't take forever but it's it was weird. I thought it would take the whole bag to fill up like one cup but it only took like five or six radishes. Raddi? Raddi?
Sam Russell
Ralph Andracchio
Aubrie Williams
That's the plural?
Shannon DeVido
Yeah, sounds right to me.
Ralph Andracchio
I'm eating another one and my my throat's starting to constrict
Aubrie Williams
Are you eating another one?
Shannon DeVido
Are you allergic?
Ralph Andracchio
No, no. My throat just like please don't eat any more of this.
Shannon DeVido
Sam Russell
I dropped parsley all over the floor guys. My garnish ended up on the floor. I overdid my parsley
Shannon DeVido
No! Now how are you gonna get your Vitamin C?!
Ralph Andracchio
There's no other source!
Shannon DeVido
None! None in the world,
Aubrie Williams
Kids, you're gonna get scurvy if you don't eat your Leaning Chimney Cones for lunch.
Shannon DeVido
Wait, I thought you got scurvy from eating too much vitamin C.
Aubrie Williams
Oh, did you okay?
Sam Russell
No, no you need vitamin C to prevent scurvy.
Shannon DeVido
I, for... I'm telling you that that right now is when I'm finding this out. For my entire life I have thought that you if you eat too much vitamin C you get it. Do you get something if you eat too much vitamin C?
Sam Russell
Your teeth might hurt? I don't know.
Shannon DeVido
Wow. You guys are teaching me so much.
Aubrie Williams
Your senses are heightened.
Shannon DeVido
You're invincible.
Aubrie Williams
So I feel like in college we used to take like Emergen-C packets. And I feel like one girl took too many once and I think she just like got sick. I think she just like didn't feel great. Not in a flu like way.
Shannon DeVido
But not in a scurvy situation way
Aubrie Williams
She did not have... no she did not
Sam Russell
No scurvy is definitely the opposite.
Shannon DeVido
Well, here we are.
Aubrie Williams
If you learned anything... yeah. If you learned anything from today's podcast, it's that not eating enough vitamin C gives you scurvy. Eating too much vitamin C gives you scurvy.
Sam Russell
You got to eat just the right amount of vitamin C. And that's why you have to stick to parsley, just parsley. That's if you... anything else too much or too little.
Ralph Andracchio
We're all walking a nutritional tightrope every day. My bones are just curving all over the place.
Aubrie Williams
Guys, I feel like there's like there's a hole in the vitamin - in the vitamin system where we can just start like pawning parsley, like we can just like create a new thing and it's just like you get a you get a box of parsley on your step and you just eat it throughout the day.
Shannon DeVido
We should have thought of this three years ago.
Sam Russell
Our parsley door to door parsley business during COVID.
Shannon DeVido
You got COVID here some parsley.
Sam Russell
Don't wanna catch COVID? Eat some more parsley.
Ralph Andracchio
Don't eat too much or you'll get scurvy. Have a good day, ma'am.
Shannon DeVido
We're all from the 20s Well, I'm not sure why.
Aubrie Williams
You better go roll some balogna.
Shannon DeVido
Hashtag roll balogna.
Aubrie Williams
We're going to be trending with a 1970s cookbook and roll some balogna.
Shannon DeVido
And go roll baloney.
Ralph Andracchio
Go roll balogna.
Aubrie Williams
Yeah. The new new fad, vitamin is parsley. We're living in the 20s
Ralph Andracchio
The roaring 20s are back again.
Shannon DeVido
I mean, technically
Ralph Andracchio
Aubrie Williams
You're not wrong. I just ate two of those and I'm scared for my life.
Sam Russell
Nah. This has so much vitamin C.
Shannon DeVido
You're gonna be fine.
Sam Russell
You're gonna be great.
Aubrie Williams
I'm not gonna get my multi-vite. I'm not gonna take my multi-vite.
Shannon DeVido
You don't need it. You don't need it.
Aubrie Williams
She was on to something she was she was probably trying to trick kids into like getting a lot of vitamin C.
Ralph Andracchio
You can throw out your inhaler too. Don't need it anymore. Insulin? Don't need it, just eat another chimney roll.
Aubrie Williams
I'm gonna I'm gonna call everything a chimney roll. From here on out. That's our second hashtag for the day.
Ralph Andracchio
Oh chimney CONE. I'm sorry I keep calling it roll. Chimney CONE..
Sam Russell
We've had too many chimney cones already.
Shannon DeVido
It's not really a cone as we've what we've established it's not really a cone.
Sam Russell
You're right
Shannon DeVido
More of a roll.
Sam Russell
It is more of a roll.
Aubrie Williams
Chimney roll is the new dance move we're gonna bring to the clubs
Ralph Andracchio
Scurvy OW.
Aubrie Williams
It's like a chimney sweep and you just go in a circle. And then everyone kicks you out of the club
Shannon DeVido
Who's going to Shampoo? I'm sorry. I'm 100 years old.
Ralph Andracchio
Aw, Shampoo.
Shannon DeVido
Aubrie Williams
Is it gone? RIP. Yeah, okay.
Shannon DeVido
Oh, yeah, long time ago.
Aubrie Williams
Shannon DeVido
Anyway, that's a very specific reference for everyone from Philadelphia over the age of 35.
Ralph Andracchio
I'll put a link in the show notes. That's my...
Aubrie Williams
Yeah to Shampoo's old website.
Shannon DeVido
They're like, Why do you care about Pantene? What's happening?
Aubrie Williams
They have the foam parties correct? And Egypt. Shampoo and Egypt? Yeah.
Shannon DeVido
Oh, man. This has diverted.
Ralph Andracchio
One of my friends got pink eye from one of those.
Sam Russell
Got what?
Ralph Andracchio
Got pink eye.
Aubrie Williams
Sam Russell
Ew. Oh, no.
Ralph Andracchio
From a foam party.
Shannon DeVido
You know what he should have eaten?
Sam Russell
Shannon DeVido
Aubrie Williams
Sam Russell
Should have rubbed a little parsley in his eye.
Shannon DeVido
Just rub that parsley in there and it would've been fine.
Sam Russell
Ralph Andracchio
Sinus infection? Just stick some parsley up there.
Aubrie Williams
Hot tip. Yeah, hot tip guys, if you're going out to a foam party, just make sure to overload on that parsley. Rub it all over your body. Before you go, you'll be fine.
Shannon DeVido
Make a sweet scrub.
Sam Russell
Yeah, wear like a parsley wig.
Aubrie Williams
Yeah. Oh, a parsley wig and then if you get hungry you have a stack.
Sam Russell
Shannon DeVido
Got your vitamin C for the evening.
Aubrie Williams
You gotta you gotta you gotta switch those out daily though, because they go bad pretty fast.
Ralph Andracchio
Ew, God. Do you think it's time for some questions and answers?
Shannon DeVido
Yeah it is! It's the Cookbook Obscura. World Famous Quiz.
Sam Russell
Aubrie Williams
Get ready,
Ralph Andracchio
Get ready.
Shannon DeVido
I feel like we did a theme song for this too.
Ralph Andracchio
Yeah. There's probably some really good public domain songs we could be using for this. Some like 1920s ragers.
Shannon DeVido
Yeah [bugle noises]. Yeah it's just taps.
Aubrie Williams
And you get to roll your bologna cone.
Ralph Andracchio
Hey it topped the charts for 18 years back then.
Shannon DeVido
Back in the day.
Aubrie Williams
It was made famous by Rats McGee.
Shannon DeVido
Good ol Rats McGee.
Ralph Andracchio
And Knuckels Jones.
Shannon DeVido
On the bass.
Aubrie Williams
Knuckles Jones on the bass.
Shannon DeVido
Oh man, Knuckles. All right. The Cookbook Obscure Famous Quiz. Sam Russell are you ready?
Sam Russell
I am ready oh my god. Okay, wait, wait. I need some parsley first.
Shannon DeVido
Oh, yeah. You gotta get that parsely in there.
Sam Russell
Now I'm ready. I ate some parsley. I'm ready.
Shannon DeVido
All right, you are set. Okay, first question. What is your favorite unsolved mystery?
Sam Russell
Oh, okay. DB Cooper, the hijacking with DB Cooper.
Shannon DeVido
Tell us about this.
Sam Russell
Okay, so this is a gentleman in 1971. It's the day before Thanksgiving, and he boards a small plane from Portland that is bound for Seattle. And in the middle of the flight, he orders a bourbon and soda and hands the flight attendant a note. And first she goes to throw it out because he thinks it's his phone number. And he's like, No, you better read that note, and she looks at it and it says, I have a bomb. Come sit next to me. I need to talk to you. So she sits down. He opens up his briefcase. She looks at see some wires and tubes or something. And he's like, hey, I want $200,000 in $20 bills and four parachutes when we land in Seattle. So she goes tells the pilots they radio the FBI they land in Seattle. He the the flight attendant gets off the plane goes and picks up the money brings it back to this fella. He goes through it goes okay the money's good checks it sends the rest of the passengers on their way, gets the parachutes and says okay, now I want to go to Mexico City. And they're going okay, well, we're going to stop in Reno for a refuel. Is that okay? He's like, yeah., So they take off and about 30 minutes into the flight. He straps on the parachute grabs the money and the suitcase throws or his briefcase throws off his clip on tie and just parachutes out of the plane into the dead of the night never to be seen again.
Ralph Andracchio
Sam Russell
Then in 1980, about 10 years later, they find 5000 They check the serial numbers like they wrote down the serial numbers of the money that they gave him. They found $5,800 Just in a river like in stacks and there was like 10 bills missing from one stack and then the other stack was kind of near it. But they all of these people had done the research on the money and it was like well, this couldn't have gone into the water in 1971 or it would have been all disintegrating the rubber bands would have been messed up and where did that $200 go and so they don't know like the finding of the money was even more mysterious because they couldn't quite figure out it didn't seem like it just fell into that spot when he jumped out of the plane. But they never found his body and they never found any others this serial numbers at any other time.
Shannon DeVido
Sam Russell
You've never heard of this? I feel like it's on Unsolved Mysteries.
Shannon DeVido
Sam Russell
And I feel like it was the end of Mad Men like is Don Draper DB Cooper? Like I remember like reading that like is what he was going to do. But then obviously he did it. Like why would why would you do that? But yeah, so pretty cool, right?
Shannon DeVido
Woah, why did he need four parachutes though?
Sam Russell
I don't know, that's the weird part. He asked for like two. Yeah, he asked for two front, ones and two back ones. Like specifically,
Shannon DeVido
Just in case
Sam Russell
I don't know. So I don't know if he maybe had sky - like been like skydove once and then went oh, let me I'm gonna ask for for maybe I don't want to recognize the one I used. I don't know.
Aubrie Williams
That's wild,
Shannon DeVido
Sam Russell
Or if he was thinking he would jump out with like the flight attendant or something. I don't know. But he asked for four and you only use the one and it's just bizarre. Because also my favorite part is like, what led him to this? Like was it just like, I can't go to work on Monday like, but I need money to live. So maybe if I just get on a plane and just throw a bunch of wires in my suit - my briefcase and flash it at a flight attendant. She'll think it's a bomb and they'll give me $200,000? Like great idea right? And I'll just jump out of the plane like and then I don't have to go to work.
Shannon DeVido
It's not the worst idea.
Sam Russell
Right? And worst case scenario you die you still don't have to go to work on Monday right? Like it's fine right? But also I'm wondering because they go "Oh well the city knew the serial numbers", but how often do they scan like do they scan serial numbers on money all the time? Like, I don't know how this works, especially in 1971. Do they have a capabilities then? What happened to him? And why did he do this?
Ralph Andracchio
You want to know if he's alive or
Aubrie Williams
Yeah, he's like it? Yeah, he's probably like in a, like, on Inspector Gadget. He's in a room somewhere.
Shannon DeVido
Like he could technically probably still be alive now, yeah?
Sam Russell
I think so. I think he would -
Shannon DeVido
How old was he at the time?
Sam Russell
They said around 40.
Shannon DeVido
So yeah,
Sam Russell
Yeah, he could be would be very old but he would still he'd still be he could still be alive.
Aubrie Williams
I hope one day we see like a documentary by his grandkids where at the end of his life, he's like, "Gather round."
Sam Russell
"I'm DB Cooper, kids"
Aubrie Williams
He like brings out the parachute.
Sam Russell
Yeah. And all of you get $20 bills. And a briefcase full of wires, because I also like, I don't know how bombs work. But like if he crashed I don't think he even had, like, did he have a bomb? Like if you jump out of a plane and like you drop a bomb, wouldn't it blow up like
Aubrie Williams
Yeah, a working like a good bomb? Yeah.
Sam Russell
What do you think he just not didn't even have a bomb? He just like was doing it just to get money?
Shannon DeVido
Oh, no. I don't think he had a bomb.
Sam Russell
Yeah, I don't think he did either.
Aubrie Williams
Yeah, cuz you'd have to think like airport security wasn't that crazy back then?
Sam Russell
I'd seem like a there were when I was researching it. There were some copycats after him. And that's when like airline security kind of started. Like when they started like kind of checking people's bags a little bit. Yeah. Because they were like, wait a minute, too many people are bringing bombs on the planes. We just can't have this anymore. We don't have any more parachutes. We keep giving 'em parachutes and they keep jumping out!
Aubrie Williams
What if they didn't look in people suitcases, but they were like, Do you have a note to have a handwritten note? Please give me that note. I want to read it right now. You're not allowed on that. Plane.
Ralph Andracchio
Is that a clip on tie, sir? Stays on for the whole flight.
Sam Russell
Not allowed.
Aubrie Williams
Shannon DeVido
Get off. Wow. Oh my gosh. We are learning so much today. We learned about scurvy. We learned about DB Cooper. Just a knowledge fest up in here. We learned bologna cones aren't that bad. All right,
Sam Russell
which I think is the biggest mystery solved of them all or it's just the shocker right?
Shannon DeVido
it is.
Sam Russell
I didn't think I was gonna like this.
Aubrie Williams
I'm gonna eat these remaining four. Honestly, I might.
Sam Russell
I'm gonna do it.
Shannon DeVido
Do it.
Aubrie Williams
I'm gonna chomp on one right now.
Ralph Andracchio
Speaking of breaking the law. Next question. If someone you love was in prison, what food would you hide a file in for them to break out?
Sam Russell
Hmm. I think I would go spinach dip in a pumpernickel bread bowl. And then I would stick the file in the bottom of the bread bowl because then it would first of all give it some structure, but they would never look in there. Like they'll look in the dip. And they'll probably take a couple of bites and they'll they'll break the bread off and you know, because they're they're not going to just hand over this pumpernickel bread bowl without taking a bite right? Yeah, but they won't find the file because it's all the way in the bottom.
Ralph Andracchio
Oh man
Shannon DeVido
Oh my gosh, you have thought about this.
Sam Russell
And nobody ever eats the bread bowl like the bottom of it. I've had several parties that have had this bread bowl and it's just it gets soggy and then a we put it in the refrigerator and it gets hard and then we throw it out. That bottom never gets touched. So you put a file in there. They're never going to look
Ralph Andracchio
Aubrie Williams
You put a lot of thought into this
Shannon DeVido
That's a brilliant idea though
Aubrie Williams
I mean yeah, I feel like you're you're gonna have some copycats. People are gonna listen to this and be like, hey, that's a great idea.
Ralph Andracchio
The 10s of people that are gonna listen to this are all gonna get ideas. I like the pumpernickel too, because usually when I see a bowl with the spinach dip. It's usually like the lighter breads and not the pumpernickle
Sam Russell
I usually do pumpernickel
Aubrie Williams
Pumpernickel's the best with veg dip yeah I agree.
Shannon DeVido
I like the I like the color scheme that happens with this as well.
Sam Russell
Yeah. Because also then it is a little darker. So I feel like I don't know it'll it'll I feel like it'll hide a file better.
Shannon DeVido
No, you're 100% Correct.
Sam Russell
The logic is solid.
Shannon DeVido
I have no notes.
Aubrie Williams
Speaking of logic, I'm gonna throw you a little word problem here. We'll see. We'll see how well you do. Okay, so Sarah has 10 apples. If she gives half of her apples to Paul and two of her remaining apples to Julie, who is the mayor of flavortown
Sam Russell
Hmm. But I think there was a special election just recently but I think he did pull out again. It's Guy Fieri.
Shannon DeVido
You are very good at word problems.
Ralph Andracchio
Mayor of Flavortown now and forever.
Sam Russell
I think I would vote for him for my mayor. I bet yeah, if I'm being honest, like he seems like a real like, like nice guy. Like anytime there's like a natural disaster or something. He's there cooking food like he he seems he seems like a like a real good fella.
Aubrie Williams
Don't judge a book by its cover I think the lesson there.
Shannon DeVido
Don't judge a man by his frosted tips.
Sam Russell
And backwards sunglasses
Aubrie Williams
and fire bowling shirts.
Ralph Andracchio
Who started that trend because I wanna... if I had the chance to go back in time and kill somebody it would be the guy who did that first. Hate him. Whoever it is. Hate him.
Shannon DeVido
Ah, yeah. All right. Um, what is your favorite family recipe or dish that your family always used to make?
Sam Russell
I guess it was. My grandmother's potato salad, I guess is like a big family or like a recipe that I've done. Over and over again with my family. Which the the main thing which I don't even know if this is like, more mainstream than I think it is. But what she would do here's the secrets. Okay, she would put apple cider vinegar on the potatoes right after they come out like would you dump the water you pour them in a bowl and then you put the apple cider vinegar on there and it soaks in and it just really gives it that frickin punch. And that's kind of my key to like a lot of cooking. I add vinegar to like everything I love vinegar. So that's usually my secret ingredient. If you're like, ooh, something's in here. What is it? The answer is probably vinegar. But then what vinegar like hhmmm, you got to ask me.
Aubrie Williams
Not always apple cider.
Sam Russell
It's not always apple cider.T here's there's all kinds of vinegars in my cabinet.
Aubrie Williams
Whoa, I think I only have two. White and apple. Does your grandma use - is it mayonnaise based or is it mustard.
Sam Russell
It was... It was mayonnaise based, but she would put the apple cider vinegar on there. Like yeah, just to kind of soak in and then would we? You put all the rest of the ingredients in.
Aubrie Williams
Oh, nice.
Sam Russell
And it had egg in it. It has egg in it and celery and onions. Paprika that kind of thing. I - she would always garnish so I always do this but with like you slice the the egg and then you put it along the top. So there's a there's an egg slices on the top... the presentation, which is probably where I get all of like the way I am. Here's how you present a food.
Aubrie Williams
That's perfect. That's so much better than a jell-o mold throwing salad and a jell-o mold. They could have taken a few lessons from your grandmother.
Sam Russell
Just use potatoes instead of jell-o.
Aubrie Williams
Ralph Andracchio
What's your favorite kitchen utensil and why?
Sam Russell
Oh, does cocktail shaker count?
Ralph Andracchio
Sam Russell
Is that... oh then cocktail shaker. Cuz I like making cocktails.
Ralph Andracchio
Favorite cocktail to make?
Sam Russell
Oh, whiskey sour, maybe.
Ralph Andracchio
Sam Russell
I like like a whiskey sour. Yeah. And I've been making my own cocktails recently. I'll plug myself but I I've been finding vintage glassware or just weird glassware at the thrift store or antique stores and then I make a drink that goes in it. So I look at it and I get inspired and then I look at my bar and try to mix up a cocktail in a glass that's specifically a cocktail for that glass.
Ralph Andracchio
I was going to ask if you match up the drinks to the glasses because sometimes we don't but I feel like especially when you're having cocktails. It's like an experience especially if you're making them at home. It's like you want to put it in the glass. It's meant to be in Yeah, like enjoy it and talk and you know, yeah. All right,
Sam Russell
And I... Yeah, I have a lot. I love vintage glassware. So I have a lot of stuff. Like we have a lot of cool stuff. So sometimes I'm like, Ooh, what do I want to have this out of? Do I want it to my coupe glass or do I want it out of my tiny martini glass or the big martini glass? So like I have a I have a lot of glassware
Ralph Andracchio
that Yeah, I think we have highball glasses? Those are like the fanciest ones we have. And maybe some margarita glasses but we never Yeah, because we're not big mixed drinks people. Honestly.
Sam Russell
Okay, yeah,
Ralph Andracchio
it's a lot. It's a lot. It's like baking for me. For me. It's like oh, it needs to be the correct amount of stuff or else it's gonna taste weird.
Sam Russell
See I you can go nuts too with the with cocktails. You don't have to. It does not have to be exact.
Ralph Andracchio
Sam Russell
Well just put a heavier on the booze is usually that'll help you.
Aubrie Williams
You'll forget all about how it tastes.
Ralph Andracchio
Less bitters. More booze. Roll that baloney. So I feel like we're coming to the finish line. Yes.
Aubrie Williams
Yeah, this has been...
Ralph Andracchio
this has been amazing. Time has literally flown past. It's literally three hours later. Yes.
Shannon DeVido
It's tomorrow.
Ralph Andracchio
So to finish us off. Sam. Is there anything you would like to plug for the audience any anywhere they can see you anywhere they can hear you.
Sam Russell
You can follow me on Instagram. I'm @secretpantssam and that's where I post my my cocktails and pictures of me and my cat. And I you can also listen to my podcast. It's called "Should I Keep This?" And I talked to comedians about their prop and costume collections. And then we each bring a prop or costume to the recording. And we taught discuss whether or not we should keep them and I've gotten rid of some stuff and I still have way too much stuff. So it should shall go on until my death
Ralph Andracchio
I need that too. I think I have I have like wigs and a whole zentai suit and like a suit jacket and like weird shit nobody wants and I'm like, you know what? I'll hang on to it. You never know.
Sam Russell
Because you don't want to buy it again. Right? That's silly. And then what if somebody's like, I need you to go perform in 20 minutes like you don't want to have to go and figure out how to get it.
Aubrie Williams
Just open your closet and it like cascades out
Ralph Andracchio
All right, well, we'll put all of that in the show notes so everybody can visit you and support you. And as a reminder, if you liked the show, and you want to follow us and hear more of whatever we're doing, I don't even know what this is yet to hit like or subscribe or follow us and we'll we'll make some more terrible food and share it with the world. So that's it. Anything you two want to say before we say goodbye
Aubrie Williams
Um, my sodium intake has been pretty crazy today and I'm changed for the better actually with this bologna cone, you know, not gonna lie.
Sam Russell
Shannon DeVido
Yeah, just eat your parsley.
Ralph Andracchio
Eat your parsley
Aubrie Williams
Wise, wise, words. Wise words.
Ralph Andracchio
Roll your salami. Oh, bologna. Sorry.
Sam Russell
Shannon DeVido
Go roll your bologna
Aubrie Williams
You could make a variation with salami, pimento loaf.
Shannon DeVido
Any, any cured meat
Sam Russell
Yes, I think anything could be rolled as an insult.
Aubrie Williams
Honey ham. Turkey.
Shannon DeVido
Go roll your honey ham.
Sam Russell
Go roll your mortadella
Ralph Andracchio
And I think on that note we're going to sign off for the evening. Good night everybody, and remember to eat responsibly.
Transcribed by https://otter.ai