Cookbook Obscura

S01E06- James Hesky and the Togo Dog Mystery

Shannon Devido, Aubrie Williams, Ralph Andracchio

Welcome to the show that turns obscure recipes into awesome conversations, Cookbook Obscura! This week, the gang welcomes James Hesky to help solve the Togo Dog Mystery. We talk about Dangerous Things like cooking with corn oil, fancy sushi restaurants, and Pete Buttigieg.

James Hesky can be seen posting informational TikToks for A Dangerous Thing (@adtpod), and his new movie, Oppenheimer, comes out in theaters this fall.

Want more weird recipes in your life? Don’t forget to hit that subscribe button and share this show with your friends. Wanna see what we’re eating? Then check out our YouTube channel for the complete video of this episode and our Insta for the recipe and behind-the-scenes clips.

And now... Let's eat!

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The Cookbook Obscura Podcast
Season 01
Episode 06
James Hesky and the Togo Dog Mystery


Shannon DeVido  
Welcome to the show that turns obscure recipes into awesome conversations... Cookbook Obscura! Do you like hotdogs? The stark possibility of starting in grease fire in your kitchen? And drinking at work? Oh, then you are streaming the right podcast. James Hesky is a writer, comedian, person with a fancy job and possibly the star of Oppenheimer. 

Shannon DeVido  
Want more weird recipes in your life? Don't forget to hit that subscribe button and share this show with your friends. Want to see what we're eating? Then check out our YouTube channel for the complete video of this episode as well as our Instagram for the recipe and behind the scenes clips. And now... let's eat!

Ralph Andracchio  
Oh boy, another another day. Another interesting recipe from the bowels of Nancy Drew.

Aubrie Williams  
Yeah, this one feels like a deep bowel recipe right?

Ralph Andracchio  
This one is not safe for children. I don't know why it's included in this cookbook.

Aubrie Williams  
Yeah, I think heating corn oil on the stove is probably like, I wonder how many lawsuits cookbooks - children's cookbooks from the 70s might have had against them. Because it had to be... there had to be at least one right?

Ralph Andracchio  
There had to be many. I mean, it was the era of lawn darts. And, you know, they didn't really outlaw drinking while driving until very recently, I think. 

Shannon DeVido  
For children? 

Ralph Andracchio  
No that's still legal. 

Shannon DeVido  

Ralph Andracchio  
No for adults, because I it's it's like a thing I keep seeing on Twitter like somebody keeps sharing a video of local news when it you know, it finally passed that you weren't allowed to drink while you were driving. And it seemed like 80s, early 80s maybe?

Aubrie Williams  
That makes sense because I have - my dad tell stories about his one uncle and like just like tossing beers out of the driver's side window. As they were just hanging out. He wasn't in the car. He just - his uncle and his brother drove by him so... and they just saw uncle windy toss a beer - empty beer can and crack open another one. So yeah

Ralph Andracchio  
Did he do the thing where he opened the new bee can with the bottom of the old beard can?

Aubrie Williams  
I don't - I should have asked I should have had more questions honestly, but I - I left it at that. The imagination you know?

Ralph Andracchio  
Just as long as it wasn't Bud Light, because we all know that shit turns you gay.

Aubrie Williams  
I didn't meet him. So I couldn't ask him any questions.

Ralph Andracchio  
Oh, maybe we'll have one where we do a seance and try to connect with people who have passed

Aubrie Williams  
Oh my god and ask them if Bud Light made them gay. That's the only question we ask.

Ralph Andracchio  
Let's - Shall we shall we dive in? There's a lot to do. There's a lot of hot dogs to be eaten. Our - our guest for tonight. What What can you say about him that hasn't been said in open court. He can be seen posting informational TikToks for A Dangerous Thing... which is a podcast everybody should be listening to. And his new movie Oppenheimer comes out in theaters this fall. That's exciting, too. I had no idea he was in that one. He's in everything. I think he's in Barbie too.

Aubrie Williams  

Shannon DeVido  
Yeah, he is Barbie.

Ralph Andracchio  
Fuck Margot Robbie. He's...

Aubrie Williams  
Margot Robbie was his stand in I believe.

Ralph Andracchio  
James Hesky is here everybody. 

Aubrie Williams  

James Hesky  
Hey, yeah, no, I'm, I'm just here - I mostly want to talk about the podcast and I'm not that interested in Oppenheimer. I'm excited about this. And I am excited. I hope that you will just ask me if I drink Bud Light and if it made me gay.

Ralph Andracchio  
Okay. Question. Do you drink Bud Light and follow up? Did it make you gay?

James Hesky  
None of your business.

Ralph Andracchio  
Great. That's a that's the right answer. That is the right answer.

James Hesky  
That's not what made me gay

Ralph Andracchio  
Starring in the Barbie movie that did it.

Aubrie Williams  
The Oppenheimer press junkets are gonna be all that I think

James Hesky  
Fucking Cillian Murphy man, is that how you say his name? I don't know. I don't talk to him.

Ralph Andracchio  
I think so. 

Aubrie Williams  

James Hesky  
Is it a soft "C"? \

Aubrie Williams  
Yeah. I think. People say "Killian"

Ralph Andracchio  
I'll Google it. Everybody talk amongst yourselves.

James Hesky  
Is it "Marphy". Is it Killian Marphy? Is that how you say it?

Aubrie Williams  
Julian Marfy

Shannon DeVido  
Soft "M"

James Hesky  
I'm actually I'm excited for the movie. I love that that that they actually said he was like, yeah, it will. It'll be like, you can feel the bomb. And I'm like, you know, nobody wants to feel a nuclear bomb like nobody's that's not. It's not actually something that anybody is interested in experiencing. As far as top 10 things I would like to not experience a nuclear blast is one of them. This guy was on fire last week. So I don't know I'm I feel like we're, I've already felt part of it. 

Aubrie Williams  

James Hesky  
I don't know when this is coming out. But this was when Canada sent smoke to us.

Aubrie Williams  
Yeah, you had it the worst because you're closest. 

James Hesky  
Thank you. Yeah I am.

Ralph Andracchio  
Took the brunt of it for us. I appreciate that.

James Hesky  
We tried to just huff up as much of it as we could. 

Aubrie Williams  
True hero. True hero. 

James Hesky  
That was weird.

Ralph Andracchio  
It was so orange. It was it was like a dystopia.

James Hesky  
It was just dusk all day.

Ralph Andracchio  
The weather match the political climate, right?

James Hesky  
Yeah. Pence 2024 baby. I was talking with my buddy and I was like, how high up in that campaign Do you think you could get if you like went? If one of us went and like tried to get a job with and just went in? Send in resume? I bet I did get to be like a field director on his campaign like... 

Shannon DeVido  

James Hesky  
There's no way there's no way people are working, jumping in on the Mike Pence campaign. They're not vetting. They're just like you want to work here. Sure. You have a will give you Connecticut like you have all of Connecticut. That's your field territory.

Aubrie Williams  
Guys, can we make a pact to at least try?

Ralph Andracchio  
Yes, please.

Aubrie Williams  
Hands in

Ralph Andracchio  
I think when they do diner stops, they just hand out lanyards to random people. You work for us now. But I have a job. Yeah with us. Come on. Get in the car.

James Hesky  
Come on. Get in. Mother's waiting. 

Ralph Andracchio  
Mothers waiting. Yeah, that's the that's the weirdest thing. I can't wrap my head around is the mother the whole mother thing. I would just call her your wife or her first name. I don't even know her. Even Mrs. Pence is fine, but mother just takes it to a whole other level of weird creepiness.

James Hesky  
Well, he's not gonna have sex with her. So

Ralph Andracchio  
He has three kids three kids? 

Aubrie Williams  

Ralph Andracchio  
Three fucking kids. Oh, and it is "Killian." It is "Killian."

James Hesky  
Okay, "Killian", it's so I was saying it right on set that whole time. 

Ralph Andracchio  
Yeah, yep. 

James Hesky  
Every time I was like, Hey, what's up? I just kept calling him buddy by the end of the movie. Hey wassap chief. Merf dog. He hated that one. Yeah, I I play fat man. I played the bomb fat man in that movie. So you're the one that they dropped on on Hiroshima. So now they right it's right at the end. Yeah.

Ralph Andracchio  
Was what was the movie where the guy was writing the bomb when he when it came out of the plane. 

James Hesky  
Dr. Strangelove

Ralph Andracchio  
Dr. Strangelove Yeah.

James Hesky  
It's kind of a reverse Dr. Strangelove. Oh, I'm like I'm I'm going crazy as I'm going down and then I'm like "Here I come."

Aubrie Williams  
Like an 80s like buddy comedy but you're the bomb.

James Hesky  
I'm like your economy, your whole economy systems about to change. Everything's about to be different!

Aubrie Williams  
Do you have the catchphrases as the bomb?

James Hesky  
Yep, yeah, it's just "here we go!" It was before - it was before Mickey used to say that a lot. And then so that was - I was allowed to say it. Disney didn't have the rights to "here we go" from Mickey. Mickey Mouse would just say "here we go." And then I would I would start a nuclear chain reaction. And explode.

Aubrie Williams  
What a touching story. What what childhood memories are gonna be made?

James Hesky  
Yeah, that's how I got the part. It was a choice. It was a choice I made in the audition.

Ralph Andracchio  
There was a there was a superhero in the Deadpool movie that um - God I always forget her name. Teenage - Teenage Negaton Warhead or something I forget what her name is but she's that's her thing is like she can become a nuclear explosion. What I'm leading into - if you were an X Men, what would your power be?

James Hesky  
What would my...? Probably just feel a little better about myself? Like That'd be nice. Like I don't need to feel all the way through but just a little bit would be nice. Whereas like if something bad would happen, and I could just stop thinking about it after an hour. Like they were just at some point I could go like okay, that's over. That's in the past. You know what I'd be? My nickname, my - I'd be Clean Slate. After an hour I would just I'd be called Clean Slate where after an hour. I'd be like I'm no longer upset about that.

Aubrie Williams  
We all need that Marvel Universe. You're not alone.

James Hesky  
Everybody would be jealous of me. 

Ralph Andracchio  

James Hesky  
You're not worried about that anymore? Nope, that was that. What time was it? 4:30? Nope. Happened at 3:15. Don't give a shit anymore.

Aubrie Williams  

James Hesky  

Ralph Andracchio  
I would also like that superpower i I'm the kind of person who lies awake at night like I'm so tired but my brains like "No, I'm not done reliving that that embarrassing thing that happened that nobody else remembers just you."

James Hesky  
Yeah, I had a situation where I was trying to describe something to my boss and like basically I was gonna be I was gonna like be at like doing a an overnight and somewhere but like, I was gonna have to stay there one night where I wasn't on the clock, because I was gonna be like, it just made sense for me to be there and one night ahead. And then because I was gonna have to be there early the next morning. And I was like, Is it okay like, if I have like two beers like that night when I'm not on the clock like I'm at a site like it's hard to like I don't know if there's a rule against it, but I'm, is that okay? It's like a Friday night and sometimes I Zoom with my brother on a Friday night and she and but she thought I was talking about the next night when I was there at work. 

Shannon DeVido  
Oh, no. 

James Hesky  
And we had gotten confused and she's like, Ah, I guess if you want to meet like after work, like it's probably not a... And like we had this parallel conversation for five minutes. And she thought I was asking if I was allowed to drink at work. And we finally figured it out. And I was like, Oh God, no, I'm not drinking - asking to drink at work. 

Ralph Andracchio  
You're being polite about it, though. That's nice.

James Hesky  
And I'm like and she was so she was like, I mean, I could sense her voice. Something was wrong. And then I was like, but I was like, Oh, this makes it sound like I'm gonna, like I have a problem and that I can see or be like, oh, I need to talk to James about this. Like, I think we have bigger problems. So then whatever's going on, like I get people like, sure have your two beers but then when you pitch

Ralph Andracchio  
I need to do a shot of whiskey every time I answer the phone. Is that okay? Is that going to be a problem?

James Hesky  
She was so nice. And then it was like there was just relief. And on both of our ends, she was being super cool. But she was like I you know, I'd rather you not but I don't know what? I guess. Sure.

Aubrie Williams  
All right, gang. Should we? We get into it. 

Ralph Andracchio  
Yes, please. I'm ready. 

Aubrie Williams  
All right. So tonight we're eating some Togo Dogs is how I believe it's should be pronounced.

Ralph Andracchio  
It's "Killian"

Aubrie Williams  
It's basically "to go" dogs or in other words a corndog. Um, so we got some self rising flour, self rising cornmeal, sugar, dry mustard, dry onion soup, one egg, one cup of milk, half cup of milk. One pound frankfurters which i i halfed that, and some wooden sticks and some corn oil, exciting stuff.

James Hesky  
So I couldn't find self rising cornmeal. So I just use regular cornmeal. And I realized I, so I use my roommate to deep fryer which he he already had oil in it, which I think was just vegetable oil. So those were the substitutions that I made.

Ralph Andracchio  
I did I also did not have self rising anything and I have an air fryer. I don't have a regular fryer. So that's the substitution that I made.

James Hesky  
And instead of hot dogs. I used to human fingers.

Shannon DeVido  

Aubrie Williams  
Perfect. I'm sure they did in the 70s too. Did anyone - did everyone use all beef hot dogs or... I used turkey.

James Hesky  
I used beef - all beef.

Ralph Andracchio  
This is about as good as mine are gonna look. They looked like they were in fire. They look terrible.

Aubrie Williams  
Yours look like they're deep fried like for sure.

James Hesky  
Yours - Aubrie yours look the best mine. Mine look like rescue hotdogs. Yours are purebred.

Aubrie Williams  
This one had two little like giant legs that looked like incense legs. But I cheated and I took them off because it felt like I wanted to lie to the internet and make it look like I did better than I did.

James Hesky  
The other thing is I cheated by my I didn't have enough that stayed on enough of the - and so I fried it twice. So I went on and then I realized like that is just not enough coating. So I went back and I did wet dry wet dry a few so I got I got an extra coating.

Aubrie Williams  
Oh you're like double fried

James Hesky  
Yeah, so these have been fried a few times.

Ralph Andracchio  
Yeah I couldn't get it to stick so I I dumped them once and I put dry flour on again and then I dumped them so I did like wet dry wet dry like you did and it helped a lot. I mean they still terrible but...

Aubrie Williams  
So I spooned it on and I kind of like stopped it with this. Like I kinda like flattened it with a spoon but then one side inevitably had none. So I had to like turn it real quick and then like sometimes it would just drip and then like there would be sad like legs in the in the oil.

Ralph Andracchio  
Yeah, I'm gonna dig in. 

Aubrie Williams  
Alright shall we dig in? 

James Hesky  
Sure. I'm gonna I'm gonna I'm gonna pretend like I haven't already had three or four.

Aubrie Williams  
So I burned one horribly I got a little scared because I tested the temperature, it was at 350 and then I guess in like the two seconds that I put this batter on the first top dog it got it like jumped up probably 50 degrees. Um, so I threw the hot dog in there. And it seemed to be okay at first and then just like popping of the oil. It started to spin and like crackle. Ooh, nice. Yeah, let's get that I'm doing ketchup. ketchup dip first.

Ralph Andracchio  
These actually aren't bad. I mean, you can't fuck up a hot dog.

Aubrie Williams  
Oooo, that's actually a good corndog like, I put mine in the microwave because I like - they were cold. So like I heated them - I reheated them up. Now they're cold again.

James Hesky  
But at least they're soft. This is - every girl I've been with is like, "oh, no, no, it's not big, but it's soft." That's great. No way. I love it, James. It's great. It's soft and it's fluffy. And it's not. It's not big. It's not scary. Thank you for having this be the least intimidating moment of my life

Shannon DeVido  
It's also Turkey

Aubrie Williams  
Actually this really nice.

Ralph Andracchio  
I'm really enjoying this. 

Aubrie Williams  
Yeah. This is delightful. 

Ralph Andracchio  
I mean, I still don't understand how they expect kids to make this but...

Aubrie Williams  
No! They would set their house on fire honestly, like I'm an adult and I knew how to like course correct. And it was still scary.

James Hesky  
Yeah it was like 375 degrees, which also oil it doesn't look like it's hot until you drop something in it and then it's like, 

Aubrie Williams  
And then it's yeah, all bets are off. 

James Hesky  
Like the the deep fryer is still just sitting there with oil in the bottom because it was still 200 degrees before it's like 20 minutes later. So it doesn't it doesn't get cold.

Aubrie Williams  
Same same. I know. I was like so worried I like had to like like, gently touch the top to make sure I wasn't like gonna re reheat anyway like I get so worried when we do these things.

James Hesky  
I always thought you're a coward. Go out like a champ. She died doing what she loved... inhaling smoke.

Aubrie Williams  
Chomping on a hot dog on a stick and while my lungs fill with smoke.

James Hesky  
I like - I really liked the like the onion mix. I think that's nice. I was telling my roommate as we the other eight of these. But I think it might be good if instead of using and using a hotdog, like an adult version might be if you used like a keilbasa or something like that. 

Aubrie Williams  
Oh, that's delightful.

Ralph Andracchio  
Yeah, the onion soup mix really does give it a little bit of a zing. 

Aubrie Williams  
And the mustard powder too

Ralph Andracchio  

Aubrie Williams  
Is that...? Yeah. It like smells really nice actually. It smells flavorful.

James Hesky  
I hope everybody at home is enjoying these - the sound of eating.

Ralph Andracchio  
Hey, Shannon. Why are you not eating what we're eating?

Shannon DeVido  
Oh, thank you so much for asking. Um, I ah, this is our segment called Shannon is the Worst Cook of All Time. So here's the thing I was trying to think. I have made a hot dog before but it was in the microwave and it exploded. And so that was bad, but I still ate it because it was still good. But I was trying to think of like, why I shouldn't make this recipe and it's mainly because the oil so I I tried to do cereal once and I I took the milk out of the fridge, which was a half gallon not even a full gallon. And much like the scene in Big Daddy, the entire milk - the entire container of milk was on the ground. And I thought maybe having me lift oil that was 100 pounds or 350 degrees. Oh, it to me it feels like 350 pounds. Wasn't a great idea. So I'm not allowed near oil.

Aubrie Williams  
Are you eating anything fun?

Shannon DeVido  
I yeah, I had I did. I did get hot dogs. 

Aubrie Williams  
Oh nice

Shannon DeVido  
Cuz i i like hot dogs. They're a delicious food. And it's one of my four food groups.

James Hesky  
Can I go back - can i go back to just an amazing sentence. I tried to make cereal once. I mean, that's just an incredible - just what a sentence.

Shannon DeVido  
Yeah, well, that's how you know it's - I'm the worst cook of all time cuz I tried to make cereal.

James Hesky  
Just yeah, just kept. I mean, but that's also there's uh, okay, so it was hard to the mechanics of lifting everything but that's a solvable problem. It's, it's not like you were you were like, fuck, again, I put the milk on a plate.

Shannon DeVido  
I have done that.

Aubrie Williams  
You're right, you're right.

Shannon DeVido  
I guess I couldn't reach a bowl. So I tried to use a plate.

Aubrie Williams  
A saucer of cereal.

Shannon DeVido  
I tried no for soup. So I tried to like cut the plate, so it would become a bowl, but then it just flattens itself out. Here's the thing guys. I'm not allowed in the kitchen

Aubrie Williams  
You know what you could have done though, to join us? You could have just gotten a skewer, popped it in the middle of a hotdog and just eaten a hot dog.

Shannon DeVido  
I should have done that. I probably would have poked my eye out.

James Hesky  
I just want to see you on like World's Worst Cooks and just have Gordon Ramsay just being like, I don't even know what to fucking do.

Shannon DeVido  
I love to see him pretend to like what like you would definitely be one of those like, Am I allowed to yell at you? You would just see his brain explode. Like I'm fucking up like all across the board. And he's like, I don't Ah, okay, sure.

James Hesky  
Yeah, it's like he got but he does it. He finally gets everything he like gets you adaptive equipment and you still just suck. 

Shannon DeVido  
Oh yeah. 100% 

James Hesky  
It's like me with art or anything like that. Or it's like somebody like the teaches me how to do it and like gives me all the tools and I'm like, You don't understand. I'm bad at it.

Aubrie Williams  
I'm not gonna do it. 

Shannon DeVido  
It's not gonna go well. 

James Hesky  
I cannot draw a straight line if you give me a ruler.

Shannon DeVido  
If you measure all the ingredients out for me, put them on a table. Help me help lift it for me. into the bowl. I will find a way to screw it up. I guarantee I just know, I thank God we don't live in the 50s anymore because if I had to like get a husband it would end really poorly for me.

Aubrie Williams  
Oh, can we please do a pilot where it's like a black and white reboot of like, maybe not Leave It to Beaver but like an equivalent.

Ralph Andracchio  
Leave it to Shannon

Aubrie Williams  
I'll be the kid if you need me to be

Shannon DeVido  
Ron Howard.

Aubrie Williams  
Yeah, I can look like Ron Howard. I could sound like Ron Howard.

James Hesky  
I have dibs on Barney Fife.

Shannon DeVido  
We are pitching gold.

Aubrie Williams  
Oh my god. Yeah.

Shannon DeVido  
Come on Hollywood. Get your shit together. Make the strikes over so we can...

James Hesky  
We're not we're not allowed to pitch

Ralph Andracchio  
Did you see Netflix is is opening its own restaurant?

James Hesky  

Ralph Andracchio  

Shannon DeVido  
To do what?

James Hesky  
You just look through the menu but never pick anything.

Ralph Andracchio  
Not allowed to share anything with each other.

James Hesky  
You order five courses, but after the second course they're just like yeah, no we're done.

Shannon DeVido  
Excuse me are you still eating? No but seriously, what is it? What is what's happening at it? Where is it? I have so many questions.

Ralph Andracchio  
Oh, it's a it's a pop up restaurant in LA. Of course, Netflix. It's called Netflix Bites.

Shannon DeVido  
Yeah. Well,

James Hesky  
It sure does. Yeah.

Shannon DeVido  
Are you just like eating the faces of Stranger Things? Like what is happening like what do you do?

Ralph Andracchio  
It's the chefs from all of their chefs shows or their food shows like...

Shannon DeVido  
Is it just Phil? From Somebody Feed Phil, and you just go get to eat dinner with him because I would go to that restaurant.

Aubrie Williams  
Sign me up. Sign me up. I would do it. Is it the app? It's all Reality chef shows like it's not like

Ralph Andracchio  
No it's featuring chefs from Netflix cooking series like Chef's Table. Nailed It, and Iron Chef Quest for an Iron Legend.

Shannon DeVido  
Aren't they bad on Nailed It? Isn't that the whole point? 

Aubrie Williams  
They're bad on Nailed It. No there are there are professionals on the panel. Right? Oh my god. And then Guy Fieri comes in.

Shannon DeVido  
I'm surprised he's in a Netflix show

Aubrie Williams  
Yeah. Aren't his shows - are his shows on Netflix though? Any of them? Like Diner's, Drive-Ins... Can you watch that on? No? Ok.

Shannon DeVido  
I don't think so.

Ralph Andracchio  
I don't think so. I think he's all...

James Hesky  
I mean I feel like a guy like that has to be on Peacock like there's nothing else other than the Peacock. 

Aubrie Williams  
Yeah, you're right. 

James Hesky  

Aubrie Williams  
You're not wrong, Hesky. I just assumed something he was on would be on Netflix.

James Hesky  
Yeah, he was he was on Making a Murderer and then...

Shannon DeVido  
Tiger King.

James Hesky  
Some of his shirts.

Shannon DeVido  
Yeah, exactly. 

Aubrie Williams  
It tracks... it tracks right?

Ralph Andracchio  
And the real Tiger King is running for president everybody. So check your ballots.

James Hesky  
That's a if...

Shannon DeVido  
Wait Trump was Tiger King?

Ralph Andracchio  
No. The actual Tiger King Guy is running for president.

Shannon DeVido  
Isn't he in jail? So we're gonna have two presidents in jail?

James Hesky  
That yeah, please be more specific Shannon.

Shannon DeVido  
The entire GOP debate is at - is at jail.

James Hesky  
You just have to call in. Like hey we - we have to keep the debate to 45 minutes. I don't I don't have a bunch of money on my on my account. What would you do to lower taxes? I said I'll give you a Honeybun for that. I - what was that? What was the question?

Ralph Andracchio  
You have a collect call from Nikki Haley. If you'd like to accept the charges press one.

James Hesky  
I kinda I think it'd be really funny if he went to prison and then still somehow won. And then I think we that's kind of the future we deserve. 

Shannon DeVido  

James Hesky  
I feel like it just as as a country we deserve it. We're bad people.

Aubrie Williams  
I wouldn't write anything else at this point. Honestly like...

James Hesky  
Anything is possible. 

Ralph Andracchio  

James Hesky  
You can be - you could be anything. I mean, I just made corndogs so I have had enough sodium for a month. That was so much because I had I had a bunch before you guys before we jumped on because I had to test them and make sure that they were they were okay. They're here. This is one of the best Let me try three of them and i Hey, roommate, you won't want to share it. Let's have one together. Oh, hey look, another roommate another hot dog. Oh, I guess I got to save two like this is this is when like my doctor's like So how'd you like what do you think you you eat and how you had to get her away? It's like sometimes you do a podcast and accidentally eat six corndogs

Shannon DeVido  
Your food diary is very fun this week.

Aubrie Williams  
All right, let's continue this fun and get to our next segment

Ralph Andracchio  
Is it questions? 

Shannon DeVido  
Oh, it's the world famous questionnaire! 

James Hesky  
Oh great. Because I have questions

Ralph Andracchio  
World famous questionnaire. Let's Let's ask our questions first. 

James Hesky  
Okay, fine. All right. 

Ralph Andracchio  
All right. First question. What's your best food memory?

James Hesky  
Um, alright, so this is going to be like kind of the opposite of a corndog. This is pretty recent. But I went to one of those really fancy sushi restaurants with my dad when he was in town maybe six months ago, like one of those places for where it's like $300 a seatings. So he he and I, I had owed him a Father's Day and a Christmas gift. We had been like trying to schedule he likes events as like a what normally what we do so I kind of owed him two and I was like, let's do all right. Look, I we didn't get to do Father's Day. We didn't get to do Christmas, like both for different reasons got held up and I was like, let's do one big one. You're in town. How about one of these fancy sushi things? He's like, Yeah, I'm in, so I went and we did it. And it was it's the -I'm blanking on the name of it now. But the guy who's there was trained by the by Jiro. So he's one of like, it's hard to get a seat there. You it's open. It's only open up the reservations are there they open up two weeks in advance and basically like you have to sit on the reservation like website and you just like wait for it to open. And then like you like get the reservation. And even then we had like a 9:30pm seating. So it was like it was it was hard to get a spot so we we got it. The restaurant only holds like 20 people or 30 people. It's not like this huge thing. So we sat and they just serve you one piece at a time. They're making it right in front of you. They're just giving it to you. It's a show as well as much as anything. And there, they're giving it to and we it was just like a fun experience with my dad. Every piece is like a piece of art. Some of it's super simple. Like if you're looking at it, it looks like sushi, but then you take a bite and you're like, Oh Where the fuck did that flavor come from? Like what is like how did they? Are they smoking this for 10 years like what's happening? And it is really cool. So it was just it was a really fun experience not only to to have it but to have it with my dad and to just share that with him and then to do that. So it was a very cool food experience. So that was that was something that I had. Second Second was corndogs.

Aubrie Williams  
If someone cuts you what sauce would you bleed? 

James Hesky  

Aubrie Williams  
Oh, beautiful.

James Hesky  
Yeah, there's just no question 

Ralph Andracchio  
Very quick answer. 

James Hesky  
Yeah, I love Buffalo sauce. I would put it on almost anything. I mean it's it because it's it's hot sauce and butter if you want if you want to make buffalo buffalo sauce, it's hot sauce and butter. That's all it is two of the best things in the world. And it's, you melt some butter and then dumped some hot sauce in it. And now you have buffalo sauce. That's it. That's all you have to do. And you're gonna be like, No, that's not it. It's gotta be more complicated. Do it at home, and then you'll be like, we'll shit that was that this is it, this whole time I thought they were doing something else. And then I just melted the stick of butter and dumped a bottle of Frank's hot Frank's hot sauce in it. And now it's like the exact stuff

Ralph Andracchio  
If you could cook with a famous person dead or alive, who would it be?

James Hesky  
I think like my serious answer, the answer would probably be Anthony Bourdain, because he seems like it'd be interesting as in that, that, that that world my fun answer is like this guy theory, because he's also just he he's also fun. He just seems like it'd just be a fucking blast. Or like, or like Adam Richmond like one of those guys that just like, oh, I go I just, I can eat way more than you think I can but I also know a lot about the food industry and that stuff so you know that one of those guys but I think yeah guy for you. It would just be so much fun.

Ralph Andracchio  
You're picking ringers everybody already knows how to cook.

James Hesky  
Yeah. Oh yeah. Oh, I'm sorry. Yeah. Abe Lincoln.

Ralph Andracchio  
I'm not saying the answers are wrong I think they're great answers. You're the first one to pick actual cooks to cook with.

James Hesky  
Yeah, yeah. Cool, but actually be really fun to pick somebody, like a really famous person, but they don't know how to cook. Like I would just, you know, it's just like I'm just cooking with like, Liam Neeson who doesn't but it's like, he doesn't

Shannon DeVido  
He does have a particular set of skills.

James Hesky  
Yeah, he has a particular set of skills, but he has no idea how to cook like I bet he'd be fun to hang out with. Yeah.

Shannon DeVido  
Also Abe Lincoln probably was a really good cook. He had a stove top hat. Anyway, dad jokes aside, if you're if someone you love was in prison, and about to go on the GOP debate. What food would you hide a file in?

James Hesky  
I'd put like all everybody in the movies it's always in like a cake right? Yeah, so um, I have two options here. One is you go real messy and you go like, like, like a like a pudding pie just for laughs. Two you got you get a RonCo Flavor Food Injector and you put it in a whole ham. They open it up, open up like a leg of lamb and there's a shank in there. It's not a lamb shank. It's like an actual lamb shank.

Aubrie Williams  
Oh, so on the nose. I love it. Okay, so here's a little word problem for you. 25 Dogs are entered in a prestigious dog show. If six drop out and nine more sign up. Which backwards sunglasses wearing mayor of flavortown would the dogs love to have as a host

James Hesky  
Pete Buttigieg 

Ralph Andracchio  
Poor Pete Buttigieg he's so he just keeps his head down and does his job.

Aubrie Williams  
You nailed that. You aced it. There are many flavor towns in America and also

James Hesky  
and one of them is in Indiana. I don't know what city in Indiana was he the mayor of? 

Ralph Andracchio  
Bend - South Bend? Southbend. 

James Hesky  
Yeah -aw son of a bitch. There's a roach the size of a small horse. That I just saw crawling up my wall right now so that's cool.

Shannon DeVido  
Put it in the deep fryer

Aubrie Williams  
End him!

James Hesky  
I'm gonna take a picture for you guys and I'll... Oh that is...

Aubrie Williams  
Should we worry, James? It's a it's a regular Joe's Apartment. meets Nancy Drew Cookbook.

James Hesky  
Yeah, well, this is this is this is this one's the king so. Okay, all right. Well, I'm gonna go. I'm gonna go deal with that.

Ralph Andracchio  
Before you leave, I know you have pressing cockroach issues. But before you leave, do some plugs because we want people to know where they can find you and hear you and see you and touch you.

James Hesky  
Yeah, you can see me. You can follow me @JamesHesky on Twitter and Instagram. I'm serious that thing is so fucking big. You can also see me @adtpod. Oh, no, it's fine. It's going into a hole where I can't get it now. @adtpod for A Dangerous Thing. So @adtpod on TikTok and YouTube. So if you search for that Chip Chantry, and I run that, and that is a lot of fun. We give like short little informational, funny videos. And those are those are fun. So you can check us out there.

Ralph Andracchio  

Aubrie Williams  
That's awesome.

James Hesky  
Thank you for having me. This was so much fun.

Ralph Andracchio  
This was a lot of fun.

Shannon DeVido  
I'm sorry, if you don't survive after this.

James Hesky  
But I'll send you I'll send you guys a picture in a minute. And that'll be exciting.

Ralph Andracchio  
God if this is the last thing you do, I'm so sorry.

Aubrie Williams  
If the hot dogs don't kill you, the cockroach will so it's a toss-up. It's a toss-up.

James Hesky  
Well, the good thing is the good thing is you know I'm gonna get my heart rate up tonight. If I'm not exercising it'll certainly be just your on fear.

Aubrie Williams  
Yeah, it'll burn the calories. Hopefully take some of those nitrates out you know?

James Hesky  
Gonna sweat them out.

Ralph Andracchio  
All right, we're all gonna go take care of our cockroach issues. Thank you everybody for listening and please remember to eat responsibly. See you next time.

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