Cookbook Obscura
The podcast that turns obscure recipes into awesome conversations.
Join good friends and comedians Shannon Devido (Lucky Hank, Terrible People, Best Summer Ever), Aubrie Williams (ManiPedi, Goat Rodeo), and Ralph Andracchio (King Friday, Sad Trombone) as they challenge their guests (and each other) to make obscure recipes from obscure cookbooks and then eat them together. It's like saying "Ew this is weird...try this" but in podcast form.
Do you like odd recipes? Or cookbooks with weird merchandising tie-ins? How about baloney as a vital ingredient? If so, then this show is for you!
Please eat responsibly.
Cookbook Obscura
S02E01 - Kait Thompson and the Wine-Steamed Chicken
Welcome to Season Two! This season we're sliding sexily into our next cookbook... 50 Shades of Chicken. This New York Times Best Seller is the parody cookbook you didn't know you needed, and we're here to show you some of the surprisingly good recipes from the book.
This week we're tackling Twilight fanfic, wines with neighbor guy names, Italian restaurants in the burbs, and eating bugs with our first guest for season two, Kait Thompson. Kait did comedy in Philadelphia before packing up and moving to LA to do more comedy and writing, and now she's making chicken with us. How steamy!
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50 Shades of Chicken
Josh Wine
Gardens of Taxco
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The Cookbook Obscura Podcast
Season 02
Episode 01
Kait Thompson and the Wine-Steamed Chicken
Ralph Andracchio
Can you smell that people? That's Season Two cooked and ready to serve. Because you found the show that turns obscure recipes into awesome conversations. It's Cookbook Obscura! Each episode, we tackle a recipe from this season's obscure cookbook and invite a friend of the show to make that recipe and eat it live with us. What could go wrong? This week we're tackling Twilight fanfic, wines with neighbor guy names, Italian restaurants in the burbs, and Basic Instinct with our first guest for season two, Kait Thompson. Kait did comedy in Philadelphia before packing up and moving to LA to do more comedy and writing, and now she's making chicken with us. How exciting. Want more weird recipes in your life? Don't forget to hit that subscribe button and share the show with your friends. Want to see what we're eating? Of course you do. Then check out our YouTube channel for the complete video of this episode, as well as our Insta for the recipe and behind the scenes photos. And now let's eat!
Ralph Andracchio
Welcome back, everybody. Season two. I'm holding a knife, so you better be happy.
Aubrie Williams
Oh yeah, he'll come and get you.
Ralph Andracchio
I'm just cutting up scallions for the top of our dish today.
Aubrie Williams
I love it. So fancy in your new, beautiful kitchen that looks like a like a Food Network, like staged kitchen, my friend.
Ralph Andracchio
Hey Food Network, if you're watching,
Aubrie Williams
Ralph Andracchio
I already have everything I need. I just need your camera
Aubrie Williams
Go shoot three seasons of something in Ralph and Dan's house.
Ralph Andracchio
Ralph and Dan heat up leftovers this month on the Food Network.
Shannon DeVido
I'd watch that.
Aubrie Williams
I'd watch it honestly. Cheers, cheers to that show
Ralph Andracchio
Cheers to that show. And cheers to - can we plug things that we're using? Like, I always feel weird about mentioning actual like, names of things like wine and stuff. Can we say it or should we not?
Aubrie Williams
Yeah, yeah. We're not gonna get in trouble. It's like, common stuff
Ralph Andracchio
All right. Well, thank you, Josh, thank you Josh, for your Cabernet Sauvignon today. That we cooked the chicken in
Shannon DeVido
Like, what? Like, just some dude named Josh.
Ralph Andracchio
It's Josh wine, yep,
Aubrie Williams
Shannon DeVido
Great. Did you say from like, down the street? You were just, like, some guy named Josh, like, at the back of his, like, trunk open. It was like, Hey, want some wine? You we're like, yep. Thanks Josh
Ralph Andracchio
Made with love in somebody's bathtub. That's what, that's what I like about it. No, actually, Josh. Josh is a very good wine. So if you want to sponsor our show, it's, it's delicious.
Shannon DeVido
Oh, great. I'm sorry for making fun of you, Josh.
Ralph Andracchio
No, it actually is very good wine. I used it to cook the chicken today, and I'm having a little bit of it. Little bit of it as a as a snack.
Aubrie Williams
Oh, nice. My old bosses love Josh wine. And I always joke that, like his last name's Wine. Josh Wine.
Ralph Andracchio
Oh, that would be Yeah. That would be funny if he just ended up being like a pilot or something.
Aubrie Williams
Just yeah,
Shannon DeVido
I hope he's not a pilot. I mean me might be for Delta. he and he flys a Boeing. I feel like there's just really bad juju around Josh and his piloting
Aubrie Williams
I'm gonna plug for my mom. Um, I don't drink white wine, so I got Cabot Pinot Grigio a four pack, because they're the perfect for cooking, because you don't have to, like, you can just keep a bottle and cook with it, like three months from now. It's not like opening a bottle of wine and it goes bad.
Ralph Andracchio
Or it's terrible because there's no leftover wine to drink while you're cooking.
Aubrie Williams
Exactly, well, I just cracked another tiny bottle. But should I have needed it for a recipe in this cookbook four months from now?
Ralph Andracchio
Aubrie Williams
Still have it honestly.
Ralph Andracchio
So if every if anybody listening was on the journey with us, last season, we did the amazing cookbook of what was it? Nancy Drew Cookbook. Were were the were the recipes successful? Lord only knows. Go back. Give it a listen. But this time around, season two, we're we're stepping up our game. We're getting fancier. This season's all about 50 Shades of - 50 Shades of Chicken. If you, if you watch the movie, I'm sorry, but there is now a parody cookbook full of sexy chicken recipes. It's actually a New York Times bestseller.
Ralph Andracchio
We've done two recipes so far. They're actually pretty good. So if you like what you're hearing and you like the recipe and it sounds delicious, please patronize the book. Go buy it. It's pretty good.
Shannon DeVido
I love that it's a New York Times bestseller. I really think that that's my favorite part of this entire thing.
Ralph Andracchio
You know, we're moving on up in the world, right? The Nancy Drew Cookbook, not a not a best seller, but a good book nonetheless. But now we're, you know, in the big leagues. If we're following Scream rules... this is the second part. So do I have to die? Does somebody like one of the main characters has to die right in the second one?
Aubrie Williams
Well, we're cooking chicken, so it's a possibility.
Shannon DeVido
I'm not making it so... not it.
Aubrie Williams
5050, 50/50, between Ralph and I we'll see. I mean, a lot of garbage stuff, and done a lot of questionable things, and I'm still kicking so hopefully this carries me through. Hopefully my body is a...
Ralph Andracchio
Tank. It's built like a tank.
Aubrie Williams
Yeah, I think so. Should we welcome our guest guys?
Ralph Andracchio
I think so. I think it's time
Aubrie Williams
Today we are joined by the wonderful Kait Thompson. She used to do Philly - comedy in Philly, and now she's a writer and comedian in LA so please join us in welcoming Kait Thompson.
Aubrie Williams
On an improv team with us. King Friday, right?
Ralph Andracchio
Kait Thompson
King Friday chat
Aubrie Williams
In my orientation I'm right above Kait, so we're the Mani-Pedi side, and I'm drinking a - I'm drinking wine out of a glass that Shannon Brown Shannon Brown made me so
Kait Thompson
It's beautiful. That's right
Aubrie Williams
Kait Thompson
I must know where mine is. That's bad. I'm a bad friend.
Ralph Andracchio
Oh, did everybody get a wine, a dedicated wine, personalized wine thing? Y
Kait Thompson
Aubrie Williams
Yeah, Shannon was so, yeah.
Kait Thompson
Shannon always has really thoughtful presents, you know
Ralph Andracchio
Thank you. It's not me but I'm gonna take credit.
Ralph Andracchio
Are they all dog at the end, like Aub-dog and no, everybody got their own
Aubrie Williams
No nicknames, I think. And I just liked my Aub-dog.
Ralph Andracchio
It's a big, it's a big glass.
Kait Thompson
Comically large
Aubrie Williams
Like one of those, like giant, like, martini glasses they used to sell at Michael that you could put, like, plants in, or do like crafts in.
Kait Thompson
That's pretty much a fish bowl, yeah
Shannon DeVido
Like the ones that you can sit in in that creepy hotel in the Poconos.
Aubrie Williams
Oh yeah, yeah. What's it called? Oh God,
Kait Thompson
Jess was supposed to go there at some point. I forget what it was called.
Shannon DeVido
So there's no way they wash those well enough.
Aubrie Williams
Oh, that's so, yeah, I don't know
Ralph Andracchio
Shannon DeVido
What happened?
Ralph Andracchio
No, I'm saying they don't wash them. I'm responding...
Shannon DeVido
Oh, I thought something happened to your chicken.
Ralph Andracchio
No, no, no. It looks good so far.
Aubrie Williams
Well, this is sexy chicken, so I'm glad it went to the sexy hotel in the Pocono. Yeah. Why can't I remember what it's called? Um, Inn of the Dove is one of them, for sure.
Ralph Andracchio
Oh, yeah,
Shannon DeVido
Amazing. That isn't that the one around, like in Bucks County, though.
Aubrie Williams
Oh, that might be, there's...
Shannon DeVido
or New Jersey? There's one in like Cherry Hill.
Aubrie Williams
That's in Harrisburg, I think
Shannon DeVido
Oh. There is multiple then...,
Kait Thompson
What's up with Pennsylvania? They want to put you in there, like a big olive and... multiple towns to choose from where you could just float around. That's a dirty martini all right.
Aubrie Williams
Hey o.
Ralph Andracchio
They are right in in the in that conglomerate of Intercourse, Bluelue Balls, and Bird in Hand, Pennsylvania. They're all around each other.
Kait Thompson
Hell of a bumper sticker. Yeah.
Aubrie Williams
Yeah, destined to be. I definitely have an Intercourse shot glass. I'll break it out for one episode.
Kait Thompson
You owe us.
Shannon DeVido
So what did, what did we make today? Do I?I don't even know.
Ralph Andracchio
I got this one. So - sorry, I snuck alittle piece of chicken, alright. So today's recipe is white wine steamed chicken breast with sesame oil and scallions. Serves four and it is really quickly the ingredients, you can find them on all of our socials, but I'll just run through them quick. There's just kosher salt, about two and a half pounds of chicken, white wine, black peppercorns, ginger root, garlic, soy sauce, scallions, rice vinegar, peanut oil or canola oil, sesame oil, and a little chili sauce, if you're feeling dangerous. Steam the chicken for 20 minutes and then make the sauce with all the other stuff. Drizzle a little on top, and we got some sexy white wine, steamed chicken breast.
Aubrie Williams
Yeah. Should we? Should we dig in? Ralph, are you plated? Are you like, ready to
Ralph Andracchio
I'm plated. I'm about to drizzle.
Aubrie Williams
Ooh, okay. Well, we'll hold off for a second.
Ralph Andracchio
No, do you - all show yours while we do it?
Shannon DeVido
Yeah, you guys did so good, nice.
Kait Thompson
I didn't slice mine yet because I finished moments before we started recording, so I didn't want all the juices to, like, run away.
Aubrie Williams
Yeah? Fair, fair, good.
Kait Thompson
I'm taking my life in my hands right now.
Shannon DeVido
I appreciate that.
Kait Thompson
I watched, yeah, I watched a video of somebody steaming chicken like I, you know, I feel like I cooks. I cook meat pretty infrequently, because Jess is pescetarian. So if I'm, if I'm cooking, then I want to have it be something that we can both eat. So I was like, I haven't cooked. Wow. Ralph that looks like a...,
Shannon DeVido
oh, my god. Stanley Tucci,
Ralph Andracchio
I wish
Aubrie Williams
People that's great.
Kait Thompson
You have a nice, sharp knife, I can tell. Yeah, I'm pretty much punching my chicken apart because my knife is so blunt,
Aubrie Williams
like on my lap. like a, Neanderthal, um,
Ralph Andracchio
let's, let's try this out. See what happens.
Kait Thompson
Aubrie Williams
Shredded. Yeah,
Kait Thompson
The sauce smells awesome.
Ralph Andracchio
Oh, my God,
Aubrie Williams
whoo. That's very good... salty.
Kait Thompson
I'm so happy that I'm not an episode that's like, you know, like fucking potato chips crushed up into coffee or whatever, kind of like, when I listened to like Jana Savini, I was like, Oh, you guys are eating a hot smoothie. And I was like, Oh, no.
Shannon DeVido
Recipes last year were intense,
Ralph Andracchio
Aubrie Williams
yeah. This is like, comedic in a different way. It's all the recipes seem like they'll all be good, but it is a cookbook based on 50 Shades of Gray, so, you know,
Ralph Andracchio
oh, hey, how sexy did you feel making this today? On a scale of one to chicken.
Kait Thompson
Zero i I'm unsexy when I cook. I realized, I, you know, it's like, you, we watch a lot of cooking shows and stuff, and Jess does a lot of cooking in our house,
Aubrie Williams
Oh, nice.
Kait Thompson
Um, I like cooking, and I find it interesting. I don't have that thing that makes people, chefs or whatever, like, you, like, watch these cooking shows, and they become very romantic about it, and, like, what, of what a calling it is, and everything that is just not in me at all. Um, you know, cursing, I making this I'm, I'm cursing a lot. I don't have very good like, my dexterity with my fingers is not great. So I'm I'm dropping stuff. I'm stuff falling, you know, it's going everywhere. That being said, I'm so happy to talk to you guys, and I'm happy that the chicken's cooked, and it's actually like, not bad,
Aubrie Williams
good, yeah,
Ralph Andracchio
This is super tasty. I really like this,
Kait Thompson
Aubrie Williams
I think it really, like, sopped in the soy sauce, like the longer you
Kait Thompson
I did cheat, I should say, so I didn't change any of the ingredients, but on a so I watched a bunch of, like, YouTube videos about steaming chicken, and pretty much all of them, marinate the chicken for at least, like 20 minutes before, oh, I think that's probably why this threw off my timing or whatever. But I just like, put the wine, some of the ginger, some of the likes other, you know, salt and stuff, and just like, let it hang out for a minute and before I steamed it.
Aubrie Williams
Oh, nice. That's good, yeah.
Kait Thompson
Stealing from YouTube. Tip for you
Aubrie Williams
that's awesome. Yeah, I wonder if we'll ever steam chicken again. I wonder if it's in the cookbook again, or that's the only one.
Shannon DeVido
It feels like a very 50 shades thing to do.
Aubrie Williams
Shannon DeVido
So I'm gonna say yeah.
Kait Thompson
Is that the sexy thing about it is that it's like, steamy,
Shannon DeVido
Aubrie Williams
maybe that's it.
Shannon DeVido
And the wine. You gotta get the you gotta get the chicken drunk first
Kait Thompson
I used this wine.
Shannon DeVido
That's fancy.
Aubrie Williams
Oh, it looks really fancy. I like the bottle
Kait Thompson
It's the cheapest wine at the - cheapest white wine at the grocery store near me.
Aubrie Williams
Oh, nice.
Kait Thompson
Usually we have that chili crisp with like the lady on it.
Aubrie Williams
Oh yeah,
Kait Thompson
they didn't have that. I have this Mr. B, oh, nice, mild because I'm a little baby.
Aubrie Williams
I didn't have chili sauce or whatever it's called, oil, goin straight soy sauce and scallions. And canola...
Kait Thompson
I've been using chili oil a lot like to put on the pan and then you, like, fry an egg in it. And that's really,
Ralph Andracchio
Oh, that sounds good.
Kait Thompson
It's so good. And it's not like, if I can eat it. It's not like, so boilingly spicy, or whatever. You know what I mean?
Ralph Andracchio
Dan's trying the chicken for the first time. And I don't know if it's a good face or a bad, good, thumbs up. Okay.
Kait Thompson
He's thinking about it?
Ralph Andracchio
He's thinking it. Oh, he did the he did one of these. Okay, great.
Kait Thompson
I think that's the highest compliment.
Ralph Andracchio
It is, yeah. As a chef that's, yeah. I want to jerk off to this chicken.
Aubrie Williams
So it's, you know, that's, yeah, how many? How many? How many orgasms does it? Does Dan give it? You know?
Ralph Andracchio
One out of five orgasms. Five out of five. What is it? Alright. He has a refractory period.
Kait Thompson
He has to think about it.
Shannon DeVido
Wow, sure.
Kait Thompson
Yeah. What's your guys favorite thing that you've made for the podcast so far?
Aubrie Williams
So this is our first, technically, for this season, right?
Kait Thompson
Well, yeah, I mean, like overall, though,
Shannon DeVido
Definitely not last year's.
Kait Thompson
Oh, nothing on last year. Nothing.
Aubrie Williams
French toast was safe.
Ralph Andracchio
Uh, French toast is actually good.
Aubrie Williams
It's very good.
Ralph Andracchio
The Jerk Chicken. We made a We tried the jerk chicken one of the other recipes from this book, and it was pretty good too, but we didn't do it officially yet. So
Kait Thompson
I'm so happy you've stopped punishing yourselves and are making edible food. I think that's gonna make for some good, some nice, fun time.
Aubrie Williams
So I feel like I have like, eight least favorite things from last season.
Kait Thompson
Aubrie Williams
The winner is mystery corn pudding with Darryl Charles.
Ralph Andracchio
Oh yeah. That was terrible.
Aubrie Williams
I did the variation and put tuna fish in it because, like, I I didn't want anyone else to have to do it, and I'm responsible for the season. So I felt like I had to
Kait Thompson
You're a trailblazer.
Aubrie Williams
Well, I realized I'm just an idiot
Kait Thompson
You're taking the bullet for everybody.
Aubrie Williams
I don't want anyone else to have to do that it was made with, like, Cheez-Its, creamed corn, tuna.
Kait Thompson
I love a weird casserole, though, like, sometimes I watch in Instagram or whatever, and I'll get, like, you know, whatever dump cake slop that their talent, that somebody's making, and I'm like, I would have a bite of that. I would try it.
Aubrie Williams
Oh, nice.
Shannon DeVido
Yeah. But aren't you the person who decided that they should eat everything bagel ice cream?
Kait Thompson
I did, yeah, with Aubrie.
Shannon DeVido
Yeah can you talk to that experience?
Ralph Andracchio
Yeah. Tell us about that.
Shannon DeVido
It, it's something that lives in my brain, and I wasn't even there.
Kait Thompson
I know I'm sorry that, that it even had to enter your head
Shannon DeVido
No, I, I, I feel like I'm I can I feel like I know more about you because of it.
Kait Thompson
I try to be adventurous with food, you know? I try not to be a picky eater. I try to like, you know, I I, and I try not to be like, ew, like, I get that instinct for a lot of food. But I think just like being in LA, there's a lot more options. So there's a lot of things that I maybe wouldn't try that i Turns out, you know, turns out I, I love, um, everything is bagel ice cream, man, it's just like a savory ice cream. It's just like, I it's not, I'm not used to it. It's not my like palette, right? But I get it in theory. It's like, if you're putting cream cheese on a bagel, you're like, it's in that world. Like, I was like, I get the leap,
Aubrie Williams
Kait Thompson
But yeah, it just, I'm gonna stick to sweet ice cream.
Ralph Andracchio
What's it? What's something that you've tried since you've been in LA that surprised you the most of like, hey, I really like this. And I didn't think I would.
Kait Thompson
I think I the stuff that comes to mind the most would be like, tongue tacos. Like tongue meat in a taco. There's, like, a lot of, I mean, I you could probably just get that in Philly just as easily. But I think it's I didn't try it until I was here. I did try - not in LA, but in I did San Francisco Sketchfest a few years ago, and this really nice guy on the team, Mike Lane, is from the Bay Area, and was like, this is a restaurant that my family goes to, and so it's like, this Chinese restaurant that had, like, dim sum and like, like, like, chicken feet, kind of, like, a lot of and when I was looking at this recipe, a lot of the, like, boiled chicken was, like, different, like Asian recipes where the texture that they're going for is, like, gelatinous. And I was like, oh, okay, I, you know, I never, I never had, like, gelatinous food really like that before.
Kait Thompson
Shannon's not feeling it, but I was like, let me try it. I don't know it's something that it's like, he's like, Yeah, my family would eat this. And it was totally great. And so I gave it a shot. I'll tell you, I'm not cooking chicken feet for myself on a regular basis, but I'm glad I tried it and like, yeah, I guess just a lot of like, various Asian foods like that, a lot of, like, Thai food that I probably wouldn't have tried just because it wasn't available. You know, in Bucks County, you're not getting. Like, maybe now, I don't know, maybe now there's more. There's like, boba tea in my old in my hometown. So,
Aubrie Williams
Oh, wow,
Kait Thompson
I maybe there someday
Shannon DeVido
I do have that now we, I don't think that we have really expanded beyond - we keep adding more Italian restaurants. Because,
Kait Thompson
sure, yeah
Shannon DeVido
I don't know why
Kait Thompson
You can never have, yeah,
Shannon DeVido
you never have too many
Kait Thompson
Italian restaurants. Or CVS's is like one of the most...
Shannon DeVido
Yeah, you just really described Bucks County
Kait Thompson
Yeah, I do miss East Coast Italian food. Like, every time I go home, I'm like, can I just get pretty much a lot of just a lot of food, and even, like, the Mexican food there, there's a lot of really good Mexican food in Philadelphia.
Aubrie Williams
Oh yeah,
Kait Thompson
obviously LA has, like, a ton, and it's all really good. But I like, I kind of like, all different versions of Mexican food, whether, you know, regardless of authenticity.
Ralph Andracchio
Are they - are the Gardens of Taxco still there in LA?
Kait Thompson
I don't know where's that?
Ralph Andracchio
It's like West Hollywood ish, we I, when me and Dan lived out there, we used to go there all the time.
Kait Thompson
Let me see...
Ralph Andracchio
And there's this little hole in the wall Mexican place. They had a fixed menu, and it was like different courses, and there was no menu. The guy would just come and tell you, what was it on the menu.
Kait Thompson
Sounds great.
Ralph Andracchio
The chicken was born in the sauce. It was so good. And then they had, like, they, they had, like, a little band that would come around and play guitar and sing for all the tables, and it
Kait Thompson
That sounds beautiful.
Ralph Andracchio
It was wonderful experience. And I'm, I'm scared that they closed, but it was just,
Kait Thompson
They're open,
Ralph Andracchio
they're open,
Kait Thompson
they're opening. There are they, they are open. And, yeah, they're like, 430 to 11. I'm gonna go there. That sounds so great
Ralph Andracchio
please go and tell me how it, how you like it, because it's, it's one it's something that I think a lot of restaurants are missing. It's like an experience, like, you don't just down and eat and leave. It's like, very interactive. And it's, it's a smallish place, but, it's very like family and like, Hey, you're at our house. Here's what we're gonna - you know, I like food
Kait Thompson
That sounds so good,
Ralph Andracchio
yeah, and the food was really amazing. And they had this really great dessert of, like, banana pudding in a little glass. It was, I mean, it was so good. I can't even, I can't even describe how good everything was. So, yeah, treat yourself.
Kait Thompson
I am excited. I can't wait to go right? I feel like LA has that a lot like you, like you mentioned, like, food as an experience. I feel like a lot of restaurants are experiences out here, or like, even like little speakeasies or whatever. Like, there's like, whole kind of like setups around eating in LA,
Ralph Andracchio
Kait Thompson
I'm sure it exists in in Philly. But I was just like, too broke and not like I was going there just to do like, uh, sketch. So it's like, only eating there, like, as an afterthought.
Ralph Andracchio
I think, mark my words. I think there's gonna the pendulum is gonna be swinging back, where people want to get out and hang out together, like malls are gonna come back. Like restaurants as an experience is gonna come back. And I'm not like talking about Cheesecake Factory, like, Oh, it's this big experience, but like the intimate, like you were talking about the speakeasy, places where people go and you can relax and like, the servers will talk to you about what's on the menu. What do you want try this? Like, I like those kind of places where it's not just, like, eat and get out. It's like, Yeah, I'm not on a conveyor belt, like, I'm here.
Kait Thompson
Philly does have that at the Rim Cafe.
Aubrie Williams
Oh yeah,
Kait Thompson
That makes me think of,
Ralph Andracchio
Kait Thompson
Yeah, Rim Cafe for, I guess it's like, not like your whole meal, but if you want to eat like a Snickers bar shaved onto a like cannoli, like dessert, it's like the best. It's so great.
Aubrie Williams
Yeah, the volcano,
Kait Thompson
But I think you're right Ralph
Ralph Andracchio
I hope I'm right
Aubrie Williams
I went to Marrakech - or it's Casablanca and Marrakech are owned by the same people, but it's like, really good Moroccan food, and there's like belly dancing and stuff. It's like family style. So they bring it's like $25 for like a seven course meal. It's wild, yeah,
Kait Thompson
For your - when we went to Dollywood together, we went to that "experience" I guess you would call it the - Dolly's...
Aubrie Williams
Stampede, yeah,
Kait Thompson
Stampede, yeah, yeah,
Aubrie Williams
Yeah. You get, like,
Kait Thompson
you watch like, people, like, like, trick riding horses around, and there's like, all kinds of cool,
Aubrie Williams
Kait Thompson
I dont know. it's a whole show,
Aubrie Williams
yeah, there's, yeah, there's like, a competition between audience members. It's the North versus the South, which is very problematic,
Kait Thompson
Super weird, yeah. South won, when we went. The south straight up won, I was like, didn't think they would maybe do that. I don't know.
Aubrie Williams
Yeah, I have questions, because there are, like, I know Dolly, yeah, we're not gonna get into that now.
Kait Thompson
Yeah, yeah, sorry. I don't want to. You know, don't mean to disparage.
Aubrie Williams
they have, like, you have to choose your meal. And it's like, you can do vegetarian, but it's like chicken and like biscuits and like a creamy cheddar soup with vegetables.
Kait Thompson
Yeah, I wouldn't say culinarily. It was the height of the trip. It was, you know that you're going there to watch people stand on a horse and ride it in a circle and be like, holy shit.
Aubrie Williams
It's akin to medieval times.
Kait Thompson
It's medieval times.
Aubrie Williams
Yeah, it's very much like, like, Pigeon Forge, medieval times,
Kait Thompson
Western medieval times. Good shit.
Aubrie Williams
I know. I'm glad we all experienced it together. It's, it's wild. It's truly wild.
Ralph Andracchio
Hey Shannon, do you want to read the story that goes along with this one, because every, every recipe this season has a sexy story that goes along with it.
Kait Thompson
We might get too horny. Uh oh. Go ahead, let's hear,
Ralph Andracchio
Glad I'm wearing an apron.
Shannon DeVido
Yeah, you definitely might. So this season - last season, in our segment, Shannon's the Worst Cook in America. I told you stories of how terrible of cook I am, which is true. Um, but this season, we thought, well, I am a terrible, terrible cook, but I'm a mediocre actor, so I decided to, I'm going to dramatically read the story before that is presented before the recipe. So this story is called "Steamy White Meat", which I have thoughts, but we'll save those okay. Are we ready?
Kait Thompson
I don't know if I'll ever be ready, but
Shannon DeVido
I don't think anyone will be but here, here we go,
Shannon DeVido
Steamy enough? he asked in a low voice. I'm unable to answer tendrils of vapor wise from my naked, wet breasts. He's cooked me gently but quickly. Kinky as it might be, I find myself wanting more and more from this kitchen Adonis. He holds a tiny silver spoon above me, letting it fall, dropping tantalizing drop a dark, mysterious, dripping sauce. It's the slowest, most sensuous thing imaginable.
Shannon DeVido
In her crushed velvet coop, my inner goddess fans herself with both wings. "I'm going to take a very, very long time to season you, baby. I promise you, the sesame is much better this time." This time? I'm confused. He's never used sesame sauce me before. "Better than what?" I managed to say as I catch my breath. He flushes. "Better than the last time I tested it." It's obvious he's leaving something out. Why would he have tested this sauce without me? I feel anger rising my breast.
Shannon DeVido
He made it for her. "You used the same sauce before. With who?" I'm trying not to yell, but my inner goddess takes a cold shower and mopes back to her perched to sleep. "Do you want an honest answer?" Was it her? Was it the radish? He inhaled sharply and then dropped his shoulder with a sigh. "We had experiments with a lot of different permutations, radish granita, radish tartar, gin radishtini. Finally, during radish Omakase, I tried her in dipping sauce. I added too much wasabi. It's something, it's something I regret very much.
Shannon DeVido
"And you're trying the same thing on me?" I asked coldly. "No chicken. With her it was yuzu, not rice vinegar, and there was wasabi. What I've prepared for you is is quite different." But I can see that he's digging himself deeper. He puts down the tiny spoon. It wasn't if I wasn't steamed enough before, I sure as hell am now." And scene.
Aubrie Williams
Scandalous. Scandalous scandalous. I love that. It's like chicken porn.
Kait Thompson
Chicken POV
Shannon DeVido
It really is. It makes me very uncomfortable
Aubrie Williams
Inner goddess
Kait Thompson
Uncomfortable with how much you like it, with what it's awoken in you?
Shannon DeVido
Yeah, it's a combo of things
Aubrie Williams
Let's turn our cameras and mic's off for five minutes, and then come back
Ralph Andracchio
I enjoy that you're her... the inner goddess was a chicken who, like was, had a had a crushed velvet coop.
Shannon DeVido
Aubrie Williams
She's a sexy chicken.
Ralph Andracchio
I enjoyed that part.
Aubrie Williams
Yeah, inner goddess had to have been in the book 50 Shades of Gray, right? Like they had to say that every three seconds.
Kait Thompson
Have you guys read them?
Aubrie Williams
Hey, wait, So Kait, were you in the car when we listened?
Kait Thompson
No, I okay. So Aubrie, and like the rest of Mani Pedi, went to Chicago and listened to 50 Shades of Gray audiobook while they were driving. I wasn't there. But when, when Jess and I moved across the country, Aaron Eunice made a really nice present. He, like, recorded a lot of different people, like, oh, like, as though it was like a radio show or something like that. Like, had songs, like a mixtape, playlist kind of thing. And Aubrie and Brianna read 50 Shades of Gray on there, including, like, the email times like, it included like, I guess that's what like audiobook has.
Aubrie Williams
They say, like, the subject line in the audiobook they say like, such, it's so crazy. And like the girl reading it sounded like a 12 year old girl. She was of age, but like, it made it even creepier. And we started it - Madonna pitched it as a bit, and we thought it would be funny, and then it, like, turned real, really fast. But we also were not like, we we weren't ready to let the bit down. So we all, like, just, like, buckled down and kept with it, and we were like, making fun of it. But like, also, like, it was a lot. It was...
Kait Thompson
How long did you listen to it? Like, how much of the book did you listen
Aubrie Williams
Almost the end. So we listened to it the full way there, almost full way back, I think, like, around, like, we were, like, an hour and a half out.
Kait Thompson
Instead of talking?
Aubrie Williams
We talked over it. We weren't like, listening listening to it. but
Kait Thompson
You were jerking off.
Aubrie Williams
It was, I don't we, I think we turned on music at like points, but like, we were all just like, so committed to this bit that we were almost like, too proud to, like, not
Shannon DeVido
Just one book or all three?
Aubrie Williams
Just there was only one at the time. I think Madonna had got it on audiobook and then, like, so that's basically on the way back. We were, like, an hour and a half out, and I think it was Madonna who was like, I'm gonna be sick. Like, can we please show that? I don't want to...
Kait Thompson
I'm surprised she let it go that long.
Aubrie Williams
Honestly, I'm surprised any of us did not stop it, and Brianna was driving most of the time. But, you know, Brianna Kelly, and I do know, if she will, like, she'll...
Kait Thompson
Brianna will commit to the bit to a degree where, like, that's what, that's what I'm saying. Like, Madonna would be like, she knows when to edit, right? Like, that's also a strength in comedy,
Aubrie Williams
Kait Thompson
being able to stop to, you know, committing to the bit isn't always admirable,
Aubrie Williams
And it was just us in a car, like, no one, you know...
Kait Thompson
Yorturing each other,
Aubrie Williams
Yeah. So we felt like That was, like, the way, like we're like, this is the thing we're doing. And like, maybe it was like a show in and of itself.
Kait Thompson
Maybe I liked how much I got. I liked the snippet before a song played on the DVD. I still have those CDs, and I did listen to it the other like, You gave it to us in a speak, I guess this is food related in just like, he handed us a box of, like, peas, like, like, microwavable peas. But it was like the cardboard box that it came in. He was like, don't open this until you pass the Mississippi River. Had no idea what it was, you know,
Aubrie Williams
oh, my God,
Kait Thompson
he's very cute, and we did honor that. You know, we committed to that.
Aubrie Williams
Oh, I love that. No, it was so good to be a part of your journey out. And I'm sorry, Brianna and I exposed you to that.
Kait Thompson
No it was really funny,
Ralph Andracchio
Has - has any other romance novel, I guess I can say that has any other romance novel like captured the the public's attention, like 50 Shades of Gray. Do you remember anything else?
Kait Thompson
Being that, sexy, I guess, like FaFabio is the only other, like, famous romance novel thing,
Ralph Andracchio
Kait Thompson
I could really think that before I think, like, I think books like that are getting, like, pretty popular, like, my sister's reading it A Court of Thorns and Roses. It's like fantasy, sexy fantasies, or whatever, with, like, dragons and shit. I just started, I don't know if that's true.
Aubrie Williams
Yeah. Is that, like, Fourth Wing is the second one? Is that the is that...
Shannon DeVido
No that's a totally different series
Kait Thompson
Yeah. Have you read it? Shannon,
Shannon DeVido
I have not. No, I I have it sitting on my desk. I have not read the court the throne one, the Court of Thrones. But there's like, five of those, right? I think that, like, What's so weird to me, about 50 Shades of Gray, though, is that it was basically fanfic, about for Twilight, right? Yeah, which is so insane to me, yeah
Ralph Andracchio
Stop it. Say more.
Shannon DeVido
Absolutely. That's exactly. And I said absolutely what it was. And this is, like, I guess, I'm assuming that she had like, a blog or something, and then she turned it into these books, and they became like, you know, 45 year old women's, like, and so, like, it's super strange to think that this is based on like, because there's no vampires and like, like werewolves in it. So I don't even know how. I don't know the correlation. I don't really understand it.
Shannon DeVido
So the the movies 50 Shades of Gray are technically happening within the Twilight universe, like on the other side of the country?
Aubrie Williams
Not at all
Ralph Andracchio
because I would like that.
Aubrie Williams
Oh, maybe,
Shannon DeVido
but maybe because it's like, I don't, I don't. I have to look more into it, and we'll, we'll get back to you by the end of season. Um, no, no, because I actually am wondering how it's related, because I've always heard that that is the case that it was, is fanfic from Twilight, but like, there's no mention of any of the other characters, which I guess makes sense, because you can't copyright...
Aubrie Williams
Nothing supernatural just the sex stuff. The characters are very one dimensional.
Shannon DeVido
And they're nothing like the Twilight characters from what I know? It's so strange, like, I don't know what, what the fan fiction really was like. I don't like, I don't know. I'll look - we'll get back to you guys. Stay tuned.
Aubrie Williams
It could be just that, like, they're very brooding in a way that, like, Isn't warranted by anything. And I know Twilight was like, similar. So maybe it's more, like, a the mood of it, yeah, mood or, like,
Kait Thompson
There probably were, like, popular romance novels and stuff before that. But I just wasn't, not in my not that I saw, you know, like, as a little Catholic school kid or whatever, I probably wouldn't have been exposed to that.
Aubrie Williams
Danielle - was, Danielle Steel like a romantic,
Ralph Andracchio
Oh yeah,
Shannon DeVido
Aubrie Williams
Shannon DeVido
Well, they were - weren't they like mystery romances, I don't even know
Aubrie Williams
Yeah butwasn't that middle aged woman? Like that was like, the big thing,
Shannon DeVido
Sure yeah, all the beach reads,
Aubrie Williams
Yeah the beach reads Yeah, probably less sex. I mean, I've never read anything by Danielle Steel.
Shannon DeVido
I don't know but they were never made into movies.
Aubrie Williams
Ralph Andracchio
I'm curious, because there was a like through the late 80s and into like, the 90s. There was that, that glut of, like, Basic Instinctie movies that were that much like,
Kait Thompson
like a sexual thriller
Ralph Andracchio
sexual thriller, that have kinda fallen out of favor. And I'm curious when that that pendulum is going to swing back, because I feel like
Shannon DeVido
Like the malls
Kait Thompson
I think like Love, Love Lies Bleeding, I think, is like, right in that wheelhouse. I think you can talk about that
Ralph Andracchio
I think the the generations that came after the Gen X and Millennials have kind of like shied away from all that kind of psychosexual thriller stuff and like. So I'm not sure what I know that the pendulum always swings back, but I think,
Kait Thompson
I think young people now have like better sexual like, they have like, more mature areas to like, deal with sexual relationships. You know, there's not like, these weird dynamics where it's like, she's gonna ruin my life. I don't know. Maybe you have to talk to a young person.
Aubrie Williams
Ralph Andracchio
Well I don't like that
Aubrie Williams
Oh, we'll find a young person
Ralph Andracchio
They scare me. I don't want to talk to them.
Shannon DeVido
I don't know how to talk to them
Aubrie Williams
We'll poll them on Instagram. I'm sure we have one young follower.
Shannon DeVido
See, that's the problem. You said Instagram, and that's not that's not right?
Aubrie Williams
Oh, yeah, sorry,
Shannon DeVido
It's the TikTokok.
Kait Thompson
What about when TikTok is banned?anned? Like for real.
Shannon DeVido
That's a good question. I wonder what's going to happen to all the...
Ralph Andracchio
I don't think it's gonna happen
Shannon DeVido
How are they going to learn things?
Aubrie Williams
From us old heads.
Shannon DeVido
They gonna have to come to Instagram. They're going to go back to Facebook. MySpace is coming back. Everything is coming back.
Kait Thompson
I believe MySpace before Facebook.
Shannon DeVido
Dude, Myspace would be great. I missed the top - in the the the top eight. So you could be so incredibly like
Ralph Andracchio
so much drama
Shannon DeVido
so much drama, so passive aggressive. The passive aggression that went into your top eight was truly palpable.
Aubrie Williams
God, I It wasn't very recent, but you could log back into MySpace for a while. So I did it within the past, like three years, and I was, like
Kait Thompson
There was like a push for them to try to re - like and like restart, yeah.
Ralph Andracchio
Well didn't it restart as, like a music space, like MySpace music or something?
Kait Thompson
Sounds right. I dunno I didn't do it
Aubrie Williams
Because you could play, because I had
Kait Thompson
Let's get our Zanga's out,
Aubrie Williams
yeah, I had a Zanga.
Kait Thompson
Yeah, me too, yeah. So good.
Ralph Andracchio
Wait, what is a Z Zanganga?
Kait Thompson
It's like a blog? Kind of like you have a live, Live Journal, yeah? Like,
Ralph Andracchio
oh, yeah,
Kait Thompson
pretty much that,
Ralph Andracchio
Aubrie Williams
But the name was cooler I guess?
Kait Thompson
You could put music on too. You could like program, you know, like MySpace, you could have like a song,
Aubrie Williams
Yeah. It was very much like AngelFireFire sites like that MyMySpace
Ralph Andracchio
Geocities! yeah,
Kait Thompson
yeah, hell yeah,
Ralph Andracchio
oh, man, I'm old as shit.
Kait Thompson
I got you.
Shannon DeVido
We are aging ourselves as this progresses,
Ralph Andracchio
Before we age ourselves anymore, should we get to our questions?
Shannon DeVido
Yes, please!
Ralph Andracchio
So wecame up with some questions just to get to know you a little bit more. Please answer as honestly or as fallaciously as you would like.
Kait Thompson
Fallaciously. This is a horny episode.
Ralph Andracchio
I know it's very - I probably use that word wrong. Don't send me emails. I don't care. I just delete them. Alright. Question one, what do you think is the sexiest food, besides chicken?
Kait Thompson
The sexiest food? I mean, I guess, like the classic sort of, like, whipped cream, strawberry kind of a thing?
Aubrie Williams
Yeah. There you go. Good answer, yeah,
Kait Thompson
I guess. I guess, honestly, oysters are supposed to be aphrodisiac, right?
Ralph Andracchio
It's like eating snot. No, thank you.
Kait Thompson
I guess that's a good way to gage you could be like, if you will eat an oyster. I don't know. Don't follow this. Don't follow this all the way. So, yeah, so, yeah, like, I feel like something accessible and fun, like whipped cream or strawberries. You can't really go wrong with those as sexy foods, right?
Ralph Andracchio
Aubrie Williams
yeah. Yep, yeah, yeah, I love it.
Shannon DeVido
Plus the shape of the strawberries, just really
Kait Thompson
Yeah, is Yeah?
Shannon DeVido
Really sexy Yeah,
Aubrie Williams
yeah, not as sexiest chicken. But here we are
Kait Thompson
Almost. I won't be that turned on by it until I hear a story from the POV of the strawberry, about being consumed, or whatever
Aubrie Williams
That can be our side project, we're gonna write a book of erotica from the strawberry...
Kait Thompson
Isn't that that's that is a that is a real thing, like a kink, that vore. You know what I mean. Have you ever heard of that? The idea of being eaten whole entirely, and like being alive inside someone's body. It's like a pure,
Ralph Andracchio
It's vore. I know this one yeah, you consume somebody, and they live inside you, and you can birth them out or throw them up. It's a whole
Kait Thompson
Just write your little strawberry vore.
Aubrie Williams
Like very magic.
Kait Thompson
I invented it in 1990 I don't know,
Ralph Andracchio
On GeoCities,
Kait Thompson
Yeah, yeah, it was on my Zanga. It started as a Zanga. It evolved. It was a Twilight fan fiction
Aubrie Williams
That sounds very Magic Schoolbussie, but like in a not Magic School Bus.
Kait Thompson
It's probably what started it,
Shannon DeVido
Yeah school bus, fanfic,
Aubrie Williams
Miss Frizzle
Shannon DeVido
She would be into that.
Aubrie Williams
She would be into that.
Kait Thompson
What do you guys think is the sexiest food? Or do you want just from me?
Shannon DeVido
We just want to know about yours. Ours is all chicken that's why we that's why we said this, yeah,
Kait Thompson
okay, gotcha, yeah, yeah.
Aubrie Williams
Mine's green olives. It's a throw back to Season One
Kait Thompson
Green olives, sure
Shannon DeVido
Because it was on every - Oh, God,
Kait Thompson
real sexy
Shannon DeVido
real sexy food
Aubrie Williams
I like green olives. I am a fan.
Kait Thompson
Are you guys all olive fans too?
Ralph Andracchio
I'm a black olive fan,
Kait Thompson
Okay, I like olives on stuff. I'm not going for the jar. Just can't eat a whole jar of just olives like
Aubrie Williams
They taste savory
Kait Thompson
little savory guys. That's not for me,
Ralph Andracchio
Kait Thompson
I don't mind them on something,
Aubrie Williams
Yeah. They're better that way. I think they're not meant to be eaten. But when I was a kid, I could eat, like, a whole can of black olives. And I would put the fingers like British guards and pretend they were, like, British
Kait Thompson
Of course. Try to make your fingers laugh,
Aubrie Williams
yeah. Try to make Yeah. Try and do bits.
Kait Thompson
Oh, I ate, like, a off the tree olive, like, before it's, like, pickled or whatever, that was terrible. It was completely bitter and, like, red inside, like, the flesh was really red, and it, yeah, it was inedible. Like, I did it as, like, I don't know, because someone's like, it's bad. And I was like, Well, sure, let's try it. So I don't know. It's my hurtful instinct for myself. Yeah, it was so, so bad. Oh, but I do, like, you know, once they're pickled I'll eat an olive.
Aubrie Williams
Yeah, yeah, very salty. Um, who is the sexiest food mascot to you Kait?
Kait Thompson
Um, you know, I thought about this, uh, I immediately looked at Mr. Bing, but it's not Mr. Bing. Even though he's cute, he's so cute,
Ralph Andracchio
Adorable. Yeah,
Kait Thompson
I guess Paul Newman, right?
Ralph Andracchio
Oh, yeah.
Kait Thompson
I was trying to think of like, who are all the human mascots for? Because I guess you could fuck Tony the Tiger or whatever. Then we get into
Ralph Andracchio
Very fuckable.
Aubrie Williams
Kait Thompson
I was like, let's keep it human. Jolly Green Giant is humanoid.
Aubrie Williams
Yeah, there's not too many humanoid
Kait Thompson
He's large.
Ralph Andracchio
Oh, ho, ho,
Shannon DeVido
Oh, that man works out.
Kait Thompson
Yeah, I'll go with Paul Newman. We used to get Newman's Fig Newman's instead of Fig Newtons at my house, and I just remember, I think he's on there with his wife.
Shannon DeVido
That's amazing. What did they taste like Fig Newtons?
Kait Thompson
Oh, yeah, you know, whatever. It's like, yeah, they're like, close enough. It's like, Hydrox and Oreo, where it's like, this is doing the trick, and it's like, $2 cheaper or anything really. Yeah, it's the same.
Aubrie Williams
They're usually manufactured by the same people.
Kait Thompson
Yeah, a lot of times, a lot of stuff that like, a lot of generic stuff. So,
Ralph Andracchio
All right, my turn again. Oh, if you wrote a sexy cookbook, what would your sexy cookbook be called, and why?
Kait Thompson
Okay, it would. It would be, If You Can't Stand the Heat. Oh, wait no, it would be, I it probably like, Let's Get Takeout. Ways to, like, reheat takeout is that a real cookbook. I feel like that's so much sexier to me. I'm, I'm such an unsexy cook that it doesn't,
Aubrie Williams
Doesn't do it for ya
Kait Thompson
Yeah, Jess cooks and it's great, and it tastes great. She's hot when she does it. That's, you know, it's just not for, oh, and then I eat her whole, and then she's, that's how we do it in there. Now she's in there now, so
Aubrie Williams
She is, I was wondering,
Kait Thompson
yeah, yeah, I Yeah, okay, so Let's Heat Up Takeout Together, Baby.
Ralph Andracchio
Kait Thompson
By Kait Thompson,
Shannon DeVido
That is a that is my kind of sexy.
Kait Thompson
Shannon, I thought you would like that.
Shannon DeVido
I do. I sign up for that one immediately. I'll write all the stories for your sexy cookbook, Arby's, okay, um,
Kait Thompson
They got the meats.
Shannon DeVido
They got the meats.
Ralph Andracchio
They do.
Shannon DeVido
It's already built in, yeah,
Ralph Andracchio
And is Arby's Arby's because it's the letter R, and the letter B for roast beef?
Aubrie Williams
I heard that
Kait Thompson
That's incredible.
Shannon DeVido
Yeah, true. I believe
Ralph Andracchio
I heard that right. I'm not just dreaming that.
Kait Thompson
I thought it was like Arby McGillicuddy started it. That is what I... I thought it was just a guy named Arby opened a stand
Shannon DeVido
who wears that giant hat.
Kait Thompson
Ralph Andracchio
Eat my meat
Kait Thompson
And it couldn't fit through the door. So he threw it and it landed on the sign. And history was made.
Shannon DeVido
Take off the hat in a very sexy way.
Aubrie Williams
Oh, yeah.
Shannon DeVido
Came down, yeah. And then we ate his meat. Um, alright, number four, what would be in your sexy dungeon pantry?
Kait Thompson
My sexy dungeon pantry?
Shannon DeVido
That's what it says
Kait Thompson
I guess, honey, honey seems like a classic sort of like
Ralph Andracchio
That never goes bad.
Kait Thompson
Never, it never goes bad. It's gotta be like antimicrobial or something
Shannon DeVido
Why doesn't it go bad?
Kait Thompson
Don't want to be giving people infections.
Ralph Andracchio
I don't, I don't think there's anything
Kait Thompson
Sugar content is too high,
Ralph Andracchio
yeah, I don't think there's anything in it that goes rancid, like they found honey in like Egyptian tombs, that's still good.
Aubrie Williams
Yeah? I think it's self preserving in a way, like a sugar certain...
Kait Thompson
Isn't that cool? Food is cool. I just, I appreciate it. I just find no fun in eating it.
Shannon DeVido
Well, you're not a bee.
Kait Thompson
If I was a bee, I would love it. It would just be natural to me.
Ralph Andracchio
All right. Last question this is, this is for all the marbles. Fuck, Marry kill or Yeah, Fuck, Marry kill... beets, cantaloupe or radishes?
Kait Thompson
I love all of these things. I'm pretty - I like all of them. I think I would marry beets, because I want them around more frequently than the other ones. Fuck cantaloupe,
Ralph Andracchio
It is a fuckable fruit.
Kait Thompson
Occasional. You know, it seems like more of an occasional thing that you like a lot. Put a little tahini on that melon. That's probably something I wouldn't try necessarily, entirely. Oh, I also ate a cricket
Ralph Andracchio
stop it
Kait Thompson
like a dried cricket that was, like,
Ralph Andracchio
just on the street,
Kait Thompson
teriyaki style,
Shannon DeVido
On purpose?
Kait Thompson
yeah, when I worked at the I worked at this, like, at this vet for a while, and just a guy there was eating them. And I was like, what do they taste like? He was like, have some. They're basically, they tasted like Fritos. They were very crunchy and dry and didn't have any flavor except for what was added to them. They're supposed to be really good protein. And I don't, like, yeah, I was reading like, for the future. They're kind of like, the future of protein.
Aubrie Williams
Oh, wow, so good,
Kait Thompson
because they require so little water to, like, you know, like beef. You need so much water to raise cows and stuff like that. I'm sorry Shannon, sorry.
Shannon DeVido
No, it's okay. I'm gonna be dead before that happens so I'm not that concerned. I think this source of protien is gonna be okay.
Kait Thompson
I'm like Soylent Green is good.I like slop and bugs.
Shannon DeVido
No I'm happy for you and I I'm excited that you might live long enough for this to happen. I just will make sure I'm not, because if that is the future ofmy protein. Things are gonna go south real fast.
Kait Thompson
I mean, like, you know, it's the same thing where it's like, I'm not running out of buying them, necessarily, but I was like, this tastes good, especially like, when the guy's eating it right in front of your face. I'm not gonna put it in my mouth and say like, ugh you fucking idiot.
Kait Thompson
Or be like, you know, I didn't want to say, No. I guess that's really the thing is, like, I don't go into be like, I hate it. But I'm glad I did try it.
Ralph Andracchio
When did you turn into the mouthpiece for big cricket? That's what I want to know.
Aubrie Williams
Oh yeah.
Kait Thompson
I just heard I was reading about it, you know? I think about it every now and then I'm like, Oh yeah, I ate a bug. It was pretty good
Aubrie Williams
You got stock at it, you know?
Kait Thompson
Oh, that means I would kill radishes.
Ralph Andracchio
You wanna? Yeah?
Kait Thompson
I like radishes. I like radishes. But they're not essential. They come in in LA, like, if you go to a taco place, they'll be out there, like, the sliced up radishes, like one of the things, like, along with, like, a little section of lime and, like, cilantro and chopped up white onions. And, you know, I like all of that. They're really peppery. They're not like, if they left my life, I wouldn't, yeah, they're like, kind of, they add a lot of nice flavor. I like them, but I have to kill them,
Speaker 1
We have been talking for at least three hours now, so we're careening quickly towards the end of the show. This has been a joy and a half.
Kait Thompson
Ralph Andracchio
I really - this is what - the food was actually delicious.
Kait Thompson
I'm so happy. I'm glad I like the all the recipes you sent me. I was like, oh, none of these sound bad this. We just happen to have the most of the ingredients.
Ralph Andracchio
That's what we try. We try to pick the rest the recipes where you didn't have to, like, go buy something ridiculous. It's like a lot of stuff we might already have in our pantries.
Kait Thompson
I considered buying a steaming a steamer basket, but, yeah, you'll see. I'll send you guys the pictures of what I fit in.
Ralph Andracchio
Oh, good, yes, please. Yeah. So any, any final thoughts, any plugs, anything people should know about you, where to follow you, where to see you, where to watch you and hear you and love you.
Kait Thompson
I'm on Instagram. Me and all the other grandmas are on Instagram @kaitdrawingstuff. And then, yeah, I was working on this Netflix show, and I wrapped up as an assistant. So I'm available. Hey, if any writers rooms are listening to this, give me a call, because I would love to work for you. I show up on time. I'm very reliable. That's all. Is that a plug?
Ralph Andracchio
That's - no that is a plug. That counts
Kait Thompson
I plug myself, my availability.
Aubrie Williams
Everyone should hire you. You're very funny.
Ralph Andracchio
We'll share a link to your Calendar - Outlook Calendaralendar
Kait Thompson
Yeah, just assume it's empty.
Aubrie Williams
Oh. Oh,
Ralph Andracchio
Yeah. Any final thoughts, Aubrie or Shannon?
Aubrie Williams
This is so much better than - I mean, the guests were lovely last season. The food was not good, except for like two things, Kristen Finger's Hollow Oak Nest Eggs, which was just you put a hole in white bread and cook an egg in it.
Kait Thompson
I love eggs,
Aubrie Williams
like net - bird in a net and whatever it was called bird in a hole, or, like, when, yeah, already off to a great start. It was lovely to catch up with
Kait Thompson
I miss us guys.
Aubrie Williams
It's been so long
Shannon DeVido
We have Italian food in Bucks County,
Aubrie Williams
we'll go to the only Thai place in Bucks County.
Kait Thompson
Everybody come here and we'll get Italian.
Ralph Andracchio
Everybody listening fly to Los Angeles.
Kait Thompson
And we'll go to Gardens of Tesco?
Ralph Andracchio
Kait Thompson
What? Yeah, do it. On the road. Goes on the road.
Aubrie Williams
Yeah. We'll be like, yeah. We'll tour. We have 100 followers. We'll be fine. I'm sure someone will pay for that.
Ralph Andracchio
Somebody rich has to be listening. All right. Thank you all so much for listening. Thank you, Kait, for being our guest. This was wonderful. Stay tuned everybody for more delicious recipes from 50 Shades of Chicken and as always, remember to eat responsibly. Thank you and have a great day.
Transcribed by https://otter.ai