Cookbook Obscura
The podcast that turns obscure recipes into awesome conversations.
Join good friends and comedians Shannon Devido (Lucky Hank, Terrible People, Best Summer Ever), Aubrie Williams (ManiPedi, Goat Rodeo), and Ralph Andracchio (King Friday, Sad Trombone) as they challenge their guests (and each other) to make obscure recipes from obscure cookbooks and then eat them together. It's like saying "Ew this is weird...try this" but in podcast form.
Do you like odd recipes? Or cookbooks with weird merchandising tie-ins? How about baloney as a vital ingredient? If so, then this show is for you!
Please eat responsibly.
Cookbook Obscura
S02E02 - Alison Zeidman and the Glazed Chicken Skewers
This season's cookbook is 50 Shades of Chicken. This New York Times Best Seller is the parody cookbook you didn't know you needed, and we're here to show you some of the surprisingly good recipes from the book.
This week we're talking about writer's rooms, recipe substitutions, starting an OnlyDoors account, and counting how many times we can say cabinets.com with our guest Alison Zeidman. Alison is an emmy-nominated and WGA award winning writer for shows like Full Frontal with Samantha Bee, Adam Ruins Everything, and Archer.
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50 Shades of Chicken
Full Frontal with Samantha Bee
Adam Ruins Everything
Alison on the Web
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The Cookbook Obscura Podcast
Season 02
Episode 02
Alison Zeidman and the Glazed Chicken Skewers
Ralph Andracchio
Welcome to the show that turns obscure recipes into awesome conversations. It's Cookbook Obscura. This show is all about finding an odd recipe, grabbing an odd friend and eating odd food... together. This week's odd friend is the awesome Alison Zeidman. Alison is an Emmy-nominated and WGA award winning writer for shows like Full Frontal with Samantha Bee, Adam Ruins Everything, and Archer. And got her start doing stand up in Philly and New York, and now she's cooking with us. Want more weird recipes in your life? Don't forget to hit that subscribe button and share this show with your friends. Want to see what we're eating? Then check out our YouTube channel for the complete video of this episode, as well as our Insta for the recipe and behind the scenes clips. And now let's eat!
Aubrie Williams
Well, well, well
Shannon DeVido
Oh no, well, well, well
Ralph Andracchio
Well, well, well. Who would have thought that we would have made it into the summer with this show?
Shannon DeVido
Oh, I did do that, right? Okay, okay, I'm ready now. I'm so sorry. I wasn't sure if I was recording it right.
Ralph Andracchio
Aubrie Williams
It looks like it's recording right?
Shannon DeVido
No no no I know I had to check the settings to make sure that we all had, like, separate audio. But I already had checked the box,
Ralph Andracchio
Excellent. I have no doubt you're you're one - you're you're the best of us.
Shannon DeVido
That's far, far from true, but I appreciate the sentiment.
Aubrie Williams
We all have our strengths.
Ralph Andracchio
I feel like we're - I like when Aubrie and I share a screen, it feels like we're on House Hunters and we're checking in like "we've been here three weeks. Here's what we've done so far."
Aubrie Williams
Look at the sconce. Look at the lighting.
Ralph Andracchio
It's great.
Shannon DeVido
My my budget is $4 million
Aubrie Williams
Right? We can do nothing with that. Too little
Ralph Andracchio
I collect rocks on the side of the road. My budget $16 million.
Shannon DeVido
Ralph Andracchio
Where do these people get the money?
Aubrie Williams
Where do they come from?
Shannon DeVido
And why are they always so mad about the dumbest thing?
Aubrie Williams
Ralph Andracchio
I'm gonna start a show on HGTV called "Just Knock the Wall Out", because that's all they do every time everybody look walks through a house, "you know what? We'll just knock that wall out." Just open it. We'll knock that wall and knock this one out.
Aubrie Williams
Ralph Andracchio
Yeah, yeah. Load bearing? I don't give a shit. Knock it out.
Shannon DeVido
Mine's called "Open Concept," which is also my sexy show. It's it goes both ways.
Ralph Andracchio
Oh, well,
Aubrie Williams
Shannon DeVido
Aubrie Williams
Happy Pride everyone
Shannon DeVido
happy sexy chicken, everyone
Aubrie Williams
Coincides with pride.
Ralph Andracchio
Oh. Boy, you know what I'm proud of.
Aubrie Williams
Ralph Andracchio
Our guest
Aubrie Williams
Yes, we have a great one.
Ralph Andracchio
We have a - we have a really great guest. Do you want to do a little intro?
Aubrie Williams
Yeah, I can do an intro. Today. We are joined by by Alison Zeidman. Alison is an Emmy-nominated writer.
Ralph Andracchio
Aubrie Williams
for Full Frontal with Samantha Bee
Shannon DeVido
Oh my gosh.
Aubrie Williams
I know right
Ralph Andracchio
Aubrie Williams
We are not worthy. Also...
Ralph Andracchio
Hit our peak. This is it.
Aubrie Williams
Also writes for Adam Ruins Everything.
Ralph Andracchio
Love it.
Aubrie Williams
And I believe Alison wrote two episodes of Archer.
Ralph Andracchio
Love it
Aubrie Williams
Which is really cool. And has done so many...
Ralph Andracchio
Three my favorite shows, I love it.
Aubrie Williams
There you go. All Ralph's top
Ralph Andracchio
So welcome to the show Alison Zeidam is here.
Alison Zeidman
Hello. Thank you for having me.
Ralph Andracchio
That's quite a pedigree you got going there.
Aubrie Williams
So many more things that could have...
Alison Zeidman
Oh but what have I been lately? Is what I asked myself often ever since the strike ended and there were still no jobs.
Ralph Andracchio
I remember you way back when, when I coached you on a on a little indie team, Malone, right?
Alison Zeidman
Yeah, you're my first improv class, my very first, when I was like, I want to do stand up, but I'm too shy and I don't know how to perform, and I don't know anyone in Philadelphia let me, like, take an improv class, meet people, and I'll get used to performing. And, yeah, you're a great teacher.
Ralph Andracchio
Oh, stop it. Stop it. I do. I am getting residual checks from all her work.
Alison Zeidman
Are you? Cuz like, I'm not getting any more, like they're not airing
Ralph Andracchio
I mean, I'm not getting anything, sorry.
Aubrie Williams
Don't worry. It's an improv check. It's not real
Alison Zeidman
They're just, they're just going to Ralph's - Yeah like every month he's like "oooh object work! Like, open envelopes...
Aubrie Williams
Oh, it's here. We're doing very well.
Ralph Andracchio
My partner's like, "your object work sucks." Did you ever think that you - starting out that you would be where you are now, like, having done all the things that you've done?
Alison Zeidman
No, I, like, had no idea what I was doing. There's not no direct path in this field. I was just like, keep doing stuff and hope something happens.
Aubrie Williams
Ralph Andracchio
Did you have any kind of like, I'm aiming for this general area of, like, writing or producing, because I know you've done both of those, like, or was it just like, I'm along for the ride wherever this takes me?
Alison Zeidman
Um, moreso writing, I yeah, I started out doing improv, but, like, I always really want to do stand up. So after like, a year, I finally, like, I was like, these might be jokes, and I did my first open mic. And was, like, mainly focused on stand up when I lived in Philly, and then when I moved back to New York, but also, like trying to build up writing skills, like from, like, late night style jokes to pilot scripts and all that kind of thing. Yeah, I remember, like, having, actually, it's funny that you mentioned Malone, the the indie team. So I remember, like, hanging out with all of them. Like we were like, at I don't know we're getting their ice cream or something, like after a practice. And I was like, Yeah, I think, like, I really want to do this. And everyone was like, that's great. And then, like, I was dating someone on the team, and when we broke up, and he took it very badly. He was like, I feel like you're just directionless, and like, I'd love to stay in your life as, like, a mentor. And I was just like, No, I was serious. Like, I actually want to, like, pursue comedy. So... here we are! Probably shouldn't say that. I probably shouldn't tell that story, because, like, somebody might be able to figure out who it was. But...
Ralph Andracchio
Hey, nothing, nothing bad. People grow apart. He's a very, very practical person,
Alison Zeidman
Ralph Andracchio
and you know it is, it is what it is, yeah, it happens. Happens to the best of us,
Alison Zeidman
Yeah, hopefully not so condescending years later,
Ralph Andracchio
Hopefully we grew out of that.
Aubrie Williams
Yeah, all fingers crossed.
Shannon DeVido
He's still a straight man. So,
Alison Zeidman
Yeah, you're right.
Ralph Andracchio
Hey there's some, there's some dumb gay guys out there too. Straight guys do not have a - cornered the market on those...
Shannon DeVido
On condescension
Ralph Andracchio
I think it's just the Y chromosome that you know it can go... It's either 50/50, it goes one of two ways. You're either a good guy or you're just dumb as a box of hammers, and you just...
Alison Zeidman
it's not even, it's more just like a like a like a degree of confidence that I don't have to be like. Let me just speak as if I know better than you about everything, like I can't I'm all you know, even if there's I'm just like, being so diplomatic about like, you know, like writing the email and they're like, I didn't want to, like, step on any toes. But here's my my little tiny opinion.
Aubrie Williams
Yeah, I feel like a lot of people would never like. I would never have the confidence to be like, Oh, let me mentor someone.
Shannon DeVido
Yeah likewWhat have you done?
Alison Zeidman
Well, Aubrey, if you're dating someone as directionless as I was,
Shannon DeVido
well, in fairness,
Alison Zeidman
You would feel compelled to intervene. You know?
Aubrie Williams
I mean, I am I? Yeah, I will not say anything further, but I would not say you're a directionalist, because you've done way more than I've done so
Alison Zeidman
well I didn't have really any idea what I was doing. So yeah, and to be fair, I guess, like, you know, back then, it was kind of a crazy dream to think that I would everyone I when I was leaving my art nonprofit job in Philly to move to New York, because I was like, alright, like, I would do a stand up for a year and a half. I think, like, I really want to seriously pursue this. Like, I need to go somewhere where there's just, like, a lot more stage time. And my boss at that job was like, so, like, what's like, what's the plan of it? Like, it doesn't work out. Are you like, oh, in five years if I haven't? And I was like, I don't really know. Like, I'm not putting a timeline on it, because, like, you kind of, it may never work out. I don't know, I guess just until I feel horrible about myself and want to stop, which didn't quite happen, but I got real close right before I got my first TV job. Like, what am I doing?
Ralph Andracchio
Aubrie Williams
yeah. No understandable
Alison Zeidman
It was like all my jokes suck. I need to throw all these out and, like, take a break or something.
Ralph Andracchio
You never hear anybody say that about people who want to be like, lawyers or doctors. Like, oh, you're going, you're trying the lawyer thing? Like, what's your five year plan? Like, if it doesn't work out
Alison Zeidman
yeah, medical school is like, what? Like, 12-16, years? Like, you can't get through all that. Like,
Ralph Andracchio
it's only the arts. Anybody who's like, I want to do something in the arts, are you sure?
Aubrie Williams
They're like, that's so cute
Ralph Andracchio
Hhmmm interesting,
Alison Zeidman
yeah. It's like, yeah. It's like, As if you don't know that. It's like, yeah, it's a not easy and, like, not necessarily, like, a sustainable career choice.
Aubrie Williams
It also feels like a trap when they say that, because they're like, it's almost like you shouldn't even try maybe,
Alison Zeidman
yeah, it's kind of like they're saying, like, Look, I I just want I'm you need a fallback plan, like I don't. I'm not. I'm not, not feeling confident for you.
Ralph Andracchio
How How accurate is anytime we see, like, writer's rooms on television or in the movies, it always, it always kind of feels a certain way, like, how accurate are the depictions of a writer's room compared to reality.
Alison Zeidman
Um, I guess give me an ex. Is there, like, any specific example that you have in mind?
Ralph Andracchio
Um, the one that keeps popping in mind because we just finished watching a little while ago, is like, I know this is very dated, but Mrs. Maisel, like, when she got the writing job, and it was very much like, which I'm sure probably still happens today. She was, like, the only woman in the room, and it was very like, she had to do 300% more work to actually, like, get one of her ideas in there. Like, right? Like, that's the only thing that pops into my mind. Do you have, have you seen anything that,
Aubrie Williams
I mean, like, 30 Rock.
Aubrie Williams
Yeah, 30 Rock. That's the, like, extreme or exaggerated? Yeah, yeah,
Alison Zeidman
I would say that at least in the rooms that I have worked in the like, racism and sexism and hiring practices, at least, like, not as intense, like I've been very fortunate to be, you know, like working for people, like shows that, like, prioritize that and care, but it still is, like, it's still like a lot of a lot of straight white men, um, and then as far as 30 Rock, yeah, I was rewatching 30 Rock during my season as head writer on Adam Ruins Everything, and I was just like, too real. Like, at some point, oh, it's just like Liz is like, cleaning up everybody's scripts that are like a mess or and like, not that, like, all my writers were like a mess or anything like that. But it's just like, ultimately, like, the job that I head writer like, I loved it. I love to work. I am a glutton for punishment. But just like, the more you move up is like, the more you're just, like, doing more work and rewriting other people's drafts and, yeah, there are usually a lot of a lot of snacks going on those that also rings true, we didn't have, like, none of the shows I worked on had the budget for like a luda Christmas, but like plain La Croix,
Alison Zeidman
nice, nice, nice.
Speaker 1
I had another question, and it just left my head. Oh, do you get the same like, when we watch ourselves on video or hear ourselves talk on an audio recording, like some people cringe like, oh, I can't believe that's me and what I sound like, is there an analog to that? Like when you've written something and you see it on screen,
Alison Zeidman
oh no, because I don't perform my own.
Ralph Andracchio
But like, oh, I wrote that.
Alison Zeidman
It's kind of like, oh, wait yes, someone who, like, knows how to act is like, doing this. So like, yeah, I will. I nothing against the podcast. I will never watch this because, yeah, I can't stand watching myself or listening to myself, like, not as bad. But yeah, I usually, like turn on, even if I like, record my sets for stand up. Like, I never actually go back and listen to them, which is like, I don't know, I'm working on the solo show, and I'm like, okay, like, I feel like I should really work on the performance aspects, and I'm gonna, like, at least record the next one and, like, force myself to listen to it. And I'm already like, Oh, what am I doing?
Aubrie Williams
It's so hard.
Ralph Andracchio
I feel like I'm taking over. I'm sorry I did.
Aubrie Williams
It's okay,
Ralph Andracchio
Yeah, go ahead. I'm gonna shut up for a little bit.
Aubrie Williams
Do we wanna get...
Ralph Andracchio
I'll fade into the background.
Shannon DeVido
I like how you slowly moved out of the like
Aubrie Williams
I know we have. We can really play with space.
Ralph Andracchio
I love that walking down the stairs and like the elevator bit. I'm always a five year old, I turn into a five year old,
Shannon DeVido
Do it again. Do it again. How did he do it? Oh, my God. You're like a magician.
Alison Zeidman
I believe it's happening.
Ralph Andracchio
Spiral staircase. You put a little english on the ball.
Alison Zeidman
Who's kitchen is this? I love this tile.
Aubrie Williams
This is Ralph's kitchen.
Ralph Andracchio
It's mine. We just redid it.
Aubrie Williams
I'm crashing the party today. We don't always do it together, but
Alison Zeidman
Cabinets. Looks good.
Ralph Andracchio
Thank you. Yeah, that's the one thing we get a lot of compliments on that that like dusty blue color, yeah, cabinets.com, I'm happy to plug them. They were very wonderful to work with. It was a stock color they had. Please support, please sponsor us cabinets.com
Aubrie Williams
Alison Zeidman
I will be happy to put that out elsewhere too just if they can send me some free cabinets. That sounds good.
Shannon DeVido
That's That's our hashtag for this episode. Is hashtag cabinets.com
Aubrie Williams
I will definitely tag them in all of our posts in hopes that we all open we get a knock on our door, and it's just a bunch of cabinets,
Alison Zeidman
They're not even like the right size. Or not enough. There's just like two in one box.
Shannon DeVido
It's just all doors,
Alison Zeidman
yeah, oh sorry, yeah, cabinets.com only handles cabinet doors.
Shannon DeVido
Oops, all doors,
Alison Zeidman
Ralph Andracchio
I think we should get into our recipe. Yeah.
Aubrie Williams
Let's get into
Shannon DeVido
Oh yeah, sexy chicken time.
Aubrie Williams
Sexy chicken time.
Ralph Andracchio
And I know - oh, I'm sorry go ahead. Do you want?
Aubrie Williams
Do you want to?
Ralph Andracchio
No, no, you do it.
Aubrie Williams
Today. We're cooking glazed chicken skewers with soy sauce and ginger. Serves two to four, unless you halved to, like me
Ralph Andracchio
and I know, Shannon, did you? Did you try the recipe this time?
Ralph Andracchio
No, Ralph. Because, contrary to, um, to popular belief, and Harrison Butker, I am not allowed in the kitchen. And so I, um, I do not cook. But later on, I do sort of act, and I'm going to give us a reading of a sexy story that we got before the recipe. So for those of you who don't know this cookbook, there it is, right there 50 Shades of Chicken is based on 50 Shades of Gray. And they, they have, they have delighted us with a sexy story for each recipe. And I, I'm going to do a dramatic reading of one later. But let's find out how you guys did first,
Ralph Andracchio
You want to hold up our plates.
Aubrie Williams
Try not to drip on your computer. That's the real challenge.
Alison Zeidman
Oh, yeah. Well, hold up my plate, and you guys gonna be like, You did not follow the recipe strictly. No, I did not.
Aubrie Williams
You elevated it,
Ralph Andracchio
Alison Zeidman
Well, okay, here are the key things that I did.
Ralph Andracchio
Aubrie Williams
Shannon DeVido
I'm excited.
Alison Zeidman
I used salmon instead of chicken. I don't eat meat. I feel like I probably should have used tofu that would have been better for, like, a more neutral, chickeny kind of flavor. But I do, I do eat non shell fish, fish. So I use salmon because it was also sitting my fridge for a week and about to go bad. And then I saw my husband went grocery shopping today, so I put, like, anything else on a list, but there think, like, I was like, I don't need, like, a whole bunch of scallions, and the rest of the scallions are just no go bad. So I was just like, I'll skip the scallions. There's broccoli, because we had broccoli already rice, because the very similar salmon dish that we started making week to week, it also is basically this, but with a different sauce. And yeah, I missed the part where it's for two to four servings, which makes sense, because my critique was going to be like, Oh my God. Like, so much sauce, like way too much sauce, and like, I have broccoli and rice absorbing some sauce, and it still feels like too much. But that's that would be why it is too much sauce.
Ralph Andracchio
I don't know if I if I didn't follow something, but I feel like I didn't have enough sauce.
Aubrie Williams
Mine feels soaked in. It's very soy, soy heavy. I didn't use the ginger, um, I got some. And then it immediately fell - because I just need to learn how to do kitchen things. But when I was peeling it, it just like a nub broke off and the rest of it fell into the trash can. So I just need to peel it over a cutting board. I think is my main, yeah, my lesson yet. One day, one day
Alison Zeidman
I forgot that too. I didn't actually, I used garlic powder and, like, ginger powder. I even had garlic and I was just like, anytime there's an option to, like, not peel and chop the garlic, I'm like, absolutely fine.
Aubrie Williams
Yeah, yeah.
Ralph Andracchio
I couldn't find Saki today, so I got Marsala wine, and I use that because it's like, it's still on the sweet side, but it's not as sweet as and I think mine turned out a little not as sweet as I would have liked. I mean, this is still delicious, but I feel like the Saki would have made it sweeter,
Alison Zeidman
too much sauciness aside I am like this is so much better than I expected it to be. I will, I will. I will admit I had low expectations for the 50 Shades of Gray chicken parody cookbook.
Aubrie Williams
As you should. As you should.
Ralph Andracchio
Honestly, the three recipes we've done so far from this book have been pretty good. Yeah, actually, I'm really enjoying this.
Alison Zeidman
It was pretty simple too. Yeah, I also, oh, I also couldn't find skewers and didn't, but didn't, like, broil slash bake, because I was, like, six minutes total, seems like not enough time. Uh, so I did it like, in a pan on the stone top.
Aubrie Williams
Oh, good, good.
Alison Zeidman
Where I could, like, see what was happening.
Aubrie Williams
Have you ever, yeah? Have you ever broiled anything? Because it's really scary
Alison Zeidman
that I that I had with maybe, like, roasting vegetables or something, that's probably the only time that I've used my broiler, if at all.
Aubrie Williams
Yeah. So the reason you had to soak these in water is because they would, they basically burn the skewers.
Ralph Andracchio
Alison Zeidman
yeah. I was also scared of that. I was like, I saw the part about soaking water. I'm like, okay, because, like, they will catch on fire. And, like, what if I haven't soaked them long enough? Like, they'll immediately, yeah,
Shannon DeVido
oh no, yeah,
Ralph Andracchio
they still, yeah, I'll just use my fingers, whatever. Yeah, they still, they still caught on fire.
Shannon DeVido
Oh no,
Aubrie Williams
I know. And I always get nervous, so I'm, like, taking pieces apart. I'm like, it's cooked inside, right? Yeah, chicken. So, like, it's the first season was so much easier because we didn't have to deal with chicken, like, ever.
Alison Zeidman
That's part of what makes it so sexy, because it's like, the danger, like, Ooh, I don't know. Will I get a food transmitted chicken, a chicken transmitted disease, a CTV,
Aubrie Williams
salmonella is so fucking sexy. Baby
Shannon DeVido
It's how you stay svelt
Ralph Andracchio
An intense bout of vomiting, is really good for your abdominals.
Aubrie Williams
You can get a six pack that way. You know, go,
Shannon DeVido
not recommended, not recommended,
Ralph Andracchio
not recommended. Please,
Alison Zeidman
We're giving the PR spin to like rehab salmonella's image, we're like, look it's gotten a bad rap. But there are some positives.
Aubrie Williams
I don't know if we want to be the podcast responsible for making salmonella, sex, you know,
Alison Zeidman
hey, cabinets.com, do you like salmonella? If so,
Ralph Andracchio
if so, have we got some doors for you?
Shannon DeVido
It's good.
Aubrie Williams
Yeah, yes, I am, yeah, yeah, it's cold now. But
Alison Zeidman
I was also like, after I'd made it, I was worried. I was like, Oh, wait. Like, what if, like, the fishy taste like, just makes it like, just, like, doesn't go with these flavors at all, and it's just tates like, absolute garbage and I made this big batch of garbage.
Aubrie Williams
It's always a risk here at Cookbook Obscura,
Alison Zeidman
which is also sexy the risk.
Shannon DeVido
It's the risk. See, we thought that it was about we thought the sexiness was the chicken, but actually it's the risk involved with these recipes,
Ralph Andracchio
Shannon DeVido
Oh my gosh, All right, guys, well, I would do. Want me to read this sexy story.
Aubrie Williams
We're in for a treat.
Ralph Andracchio
Yes please.
Shannon DeVido
Are we though? I don't know that that's true. Okay, all right, guys, Welcome to Story Time. I like that you wrote that you sent me a picture of this, and you just wrote delicious at the top.
Ralph Andracchio
I did not that came - thathat came with the book, somebody who owned the book before,
Shannon DeVido
Aubrie Williams
Ralph Andracchio
Marked the recipes they liked
Shannon DeVido
incredible, incredible. I want to know everything about this person who previously owned this book. That is our next, that's our next season
Alison Zeidman
Yeah where did you get this? Where did you find this? Can we track this person down,
Shannon DeVido
we have to,
Aubrie Williams
yeah. I bought it on Amazon, used and we anonymously sent it to Ralph.
Ralph Andracchio
Oh yeah, yours aren't as salty as mine are.
Aubrie Williams
No why?
Shannon DeVido
That's what she said
Shannon DeVido
Sorry. I'm in sexy time story. Okay, so, all right, so we're gonna find this person side note. All right,
Aubrie Williams
they're on my Amazon. I have a connection. We'll find them. We'll get there.
Alison Zeidman
Hey, person whose book this was, give us your address and cabinets.com well send you some free doors.
Aubrie Williams
Oh, there we go.
Shannon DeVido
And they loved this recipe. They thought it was delicious, so I think this is the right episode for them to be watching or listening to, whichever your preference is. Okay, I'm sorry I'm delaying this because I don't want to do it. Okay, no, all right, okay, I'm in the sub zero marinating and soy and Saki. When someone calls to me, it's the aloof radish from the crisper that I noticed on my first day.
Alison Zeidman
I'm sorry
Shannon DeVido
Alison Zeidman
This is from the chicken's perspective?
Shannon DeVido
This is from this Yes, yes. I should have prefaced that. I'm so sorry. This is from the chicken's perspective. You have to know, yes, that is a very important information that I did not disclose.
Alison Zeidman
the chicken wants us to cook it? I don't know this, just like opens up a whole can of worms.
Shannon DeVido
There is, there are so many questions you will have be - before, during and after. I'll try to address them.
Alison Zeidman
I'll write them down.
Shannon DeVido
Yes, please write them all down. I don't know that we will have - this is actually book club, Sexy chicken book club, that's what's what this is, okay, all right, chicken, get in the - it's hard to get into the mindset of a chicken.
Alison Zeidman
Yeah how did you prepare for this role?
Shannon DeVido
I just, I prepared by clearing my mind and just running around aimlessly, because I've heard that is what you do. Oh, that's just when they have their head. It doesn't matter. Okay,
Alison Zeidman
Well you picture its head is off. You got it? Yeah?
Shannon DeVido
All right, yeah. I've been doing this a long time. Okay, I did ask the 12 the 10 questions, what was their favorite? Okay, um, all right, back to this, uh, can I help you? I asked, What could a radish want from me. No, I just want to look at you. Her tone is unnervingly soft like me. She's pale pink and skinny, but I can see she's wilty and faded now. What do you have that I don't she asked, sadly, oh, I should have said that. Sadly. I should have read this before. Okay, what you have that. I don't. She says sadly, and she fades away again into the crowded crisper. My subconscious rises up before me like a green eyed ghost, 15. She shrieks, 15 previous ingredients. I recall Blades past it occurs to me that his other ingredients have known this marinade, those hands, that burning glaze. I am transfixed by this radishe's piercing question, what do I have that she hasn't? And scene.
Alison Zeidman
Well done. Riveting.
Shannon DeVido
Yeah. Riveting stuff, yeah.
Alison Zeidman
So I had this comp before we started recording. We all kind of agreed that, like the recipe, but the way the recipe was written, like there wasn't it wasn't that sexy. Honestly, I think that had a lot of, like, colorful adjectives, but I wouldn't say that anything about that passage was particularly like sexually charged or whatever.
Shannon DeVido
No, this one wasn't the last one, made me very uncomfortable. And I was really - I really hope everyone in my house heard me saying it.Cuz now they think that I I'm not, you know, the strength hasn't been great. So I my career has taken a turn, and now I'm just a sex phone operator, which, you know, good for everyone who's doing that, like, money, you got to make money. I just don't really want to do that in my house.
Alison Zeidman
Yeah, you don't want your top client to be, like, into chicken this much.
Aubrie Williams
Yeah, right, right, yeah,
Alison Zeidman
Not to kink shame. Not to kink shame, but
Aubrie Williams
But yeah,
Shannon DeVido
if they're paying,
Aubrie Williams
yes, if the money's good, you know,
Shannon DeVido
I need that residual check, chicken residual check,
Aubrie Williams
chicken residuals, baby. What's sexier than chicken residuals? You know,
Shannon DeVido
very little
Alison Zeidman
I believe a name was mentioned, like Blaze or something. So, is that the guy who owns the fridge and all the food in it?
Shannon DeVido
I guess, yes, it's their kitchen, which I assume is very, I don't know. I'm making all this up. I'm just answering these questions I don't know what the fuck I'm talking about? I'm not talking about, um,
Alison Zeidman
but you're the you're the actor. Like, you know, subtext like this is all there. I've just,
Shannon DeVido
I appreciate you asking these questions. This is really good for for my for my thinking. I do think that Blaze is the kitchen owner, the chef, if you will. And I believe that they have a kitchen very similar to Ralph's. And you know where they got their cabinets?
Alison Zeidman
Don't tell me was it - all together now CABINETS.COM This is gonna work.
Ralph Andracchio
Yeah, we're gonna get the strongly worded email tomorrow, please stop.
Alison Zeidman
You guys are gonna have to go back through the edit and, like, redact out. It's just gonna be like BEEP BEEP BEEP .com
Aubrie Williams
they're gonna slap us with a lawsuit.
Ralph Andracchio
We're being very kind.
Aubrie Williams
Honestly, yeah, we're always singing their praises, right?
Ralph Andracchio
Nothing but good stuff about cabinets.com
Alison Zeidman
We did imply that they might only send you doors. I think we may have more than implied. I think we said it
Aubrie Williams
Well, I think we said, wouldn't it be funny?
Ralph Andracchio
Well yeah right
Shannon DeVido
But cabinets.com would not do that to you. Don't worry.
Ralph Andracchio
Shannon DeVido
Just us weird comedians feel that cabinets.com might do it, but they won't. Don't you worry, they are a 100% reputable company.
Alison Zeidman
Yeah, they guarantee satisfaction, probably, I assume,
Aubrie Williams
yes, absolutely
Ralph Andracchio
Fine print
Aubrie Williams
Yeah, read all those reviews. I bet none of them say, whoops. Go to Amazon. Just do some research. Always good, you know,
Alison Zeidman
I think we should all, after this, go find their website, and if there is a comment section, be like, whoops. All doors just like, flood their comments.
Ralph Andracchio
They're like what?
Aubrie Williams
Oh my God,
Ralph Andracchio
What is this?
Aubrie Williams
I wish you could still change like the Wikipedia pages easily, because we, I'm sure they have one. Cabinets.com's Wikipedia, yeah, just
Alison Zeidman
Okay, so you can't edit Wikipedia pages anymore.
Aubrie Williams
I thought you could it was just harder. Oh, can you? I thought someone told me recently it was either harder to do, but I did not fact check it, so
Alison Zeidman
I was trying to a few months ago. Um, I was, I think it was just like, trying to look up the title, like, one of the Archer episodes that I wrote, and like I was on the Wikipedia page, and like, my name was, like, spelled very wrong. Like, not even, like, oh, an extra L and Alison, or like, z-i-e for Zeidman. I was just like, oh, that's just like, straight up, not my name. So I was like, maybe I could change this. And I thought I was down to figure it out, but maybe I could. Dan, let's go if I couldn't. Let's go if it wasn't possible. It's not that I am technologically illiterate.
Aubrie Williams
No, no, I don't think that's true about you. I also you there has to be, like an email, like a there has to be like a webmaster for I mean, like,
Alison Zeidman
I didn't try that hard, and then I was like, this doesn't matter. It's fine. Like, it's fine. It's on the IMDB, whatever that's
Ralph Andracchio
that's true,
Alison Zeidman
spelled correctly.
Aubrie Williams
Who knows you can change that though, I do know you can change IMDB
Shannon DeVido
You can do that
Aubrie Williams
pretty easily.
Ralph Andracchio
Um, so do we want to do a speed round of questions?
Aubrie Williams
Yeah, let's Yay.
Ralph Andracchio
All of them are food related. Some of them are chicken related. We won't know until we ask them
Aubrie Williams
our world famous sexy chicken questionnaire. Question one, what do you think the sexiest food besides chicken is?
Alison Zeidman
Um, okay, stop me if you've received this answer before, but I would say a single strand of spaghetti shared with one person that like as you're eating it then your mouths meet and you kiss if your dogs... even sexier.
Ralph Andracchio
Love it.
Aubrie Williams
I love it. Yeah, we have not gotten that one?
Ralph Andracchio
No, that is a good one.
Alison Zeidman
Well, that's the only correct answer.
Shannon DeVido
I would agree. I would agree. Everyone else is going to be wrong.
Aubrie Williams
Yeah, we're gonna, we're gonna kick off. We're gonna end the zoom. If the next guest, or
Alison Zeidman
you just tell them, hey, we usually ask this question, but, um, here's, we'll just give you the answer to this one
Ralph Andracchio
It's the only answer that counts.
Aubrie Williams
We just put it in the email. Yeah, it's a solid move, yeah,
Shannon DeVido
all right, what are three songs you would put on your sexy cooking playlist?
Alison Zeidman
Um, okay, since you guys did send me these questions ahead of time, I gave it, um, lots of like, five minutes of thought. Um, yeah. Um, so the first one I picked, like, definitely is like, solidly, like, okay, yes, there's a we can see the food connection. It's not really about food, but we can see this sort of that Birthday Cake song by Rihanna, which is, like, cake, cake, cake, cake, cake cake, yeah. And then like, yeah, it's about, like, licking icing off and whatever way sexier than this recipe, yeah, not anything about like licking the sauce as you're off your fingers, as you're eating the chicken, whatever. So that was one. And then I just started to think about, okay, what are songs that I can think of without just Googling songs with food in them that have food in them. And there is an Elvis Costello album called Blood and chocolate. And there's a song that is not called Blood and chocolate. It's called uncomplicated, but the first words of the song are blood and chocolate. It was like half of those things are food. So that's number two. I think you, like love a raw steak than their both food. I don't know,
Alison Zeidman
Third is more just like, I'm just like, I don't know. I also just like, like, this song Peaches, by the Presidents of the United States of America.
Aubrie Williams
Yes, the best.
Alison Zeidman
Yeah, I don't know any. I don't know the Rihanna one. I don't know that any are - the Elvis Costello one is, like, I don't know, maybe a little sexy, but peaches, no, I think that the peaches are probably a euphemism, but for something much more like crass, you know, like, I don't know, yeah, maybe either or he is really loves eating peaches.
Ralph Andracchio
Yeah, I had to think for a second, but yeah,
Aubrie Williams
I mean, yeah, like, break it down. Like, peaches come in a can. They were put there by a man.
Alison Zeidman
Yeah, maybe it's not about sex.
Ralph Andracchio
We do have a very large preschool following, so we have to keep it G.
Aubrie Williams
Well, Chris Ballou is the he was like the lead singer of the Presidents of the United States of America. And he also does children's songs now,
Alison Zeidman
Good for him,
Aubrie Williams
Alison Zeidman
you know what? We should reach out to him to write a theme song for you guys, a G rated theme song, and then maybe, in exchange for that partnership, you guys can get him some cabinets.com
Aubrie Williams
see, weirdly enough, we do have this contact info, because he did Quiplash to save America with us. He was so kind that He came on playing.
Alison Zeidman
That's very cool.
Aubrie Williams
We might be we might be able to make that dream come true.
Alison Zeidman
Can we call him right now?
Aubrie Williams
We didn't get his telephone number. We're not that bold.
Ralph Andracchio
Not yet.
Aubrie Williams
Not yet. Give us once we get our free cabinets from cabinets.com, it'll be bold enough to knock on the door of -
Alison Zeidman
drunk with cabinet power.
Ralph Andracchio
That is, that is a lot of power, though, actually,
Aubrie Williams
That's our new tagline like,
Ralph Andracchio
Cabinets.com - drunk with power,
Aubrie Williams
get a writer's credit,
Alison Zeidman
yeah. Like, I don't know if anybody sent me, like, any free shit, I'd be like, Wow, I'm the most important person in the world. Cabinets for me?
Aubrie Williams
we've been trying to get free shit this whole time, and we have, I guess maybe we didn't try hard.
Ralph Andracchio
We keep plugging random comments, but nobody's bit, yeah,
Aubrie Williams
Alison Zeidman
Maybe, uh, maybe anyone watching this who owns this cookbook would be like, yeah, why did I buy this? And they can, like, send you all their shades of gray, 50 Shades or Gray cookbooks.
Aubrie Williams
Oh, maybe we, maybe that's once, once we release this into the world, we will, we will request that anyone with - anyone who has a qualm with the dishes, well, we'll open a PO box,
Ralph Andracchio
50 Shades of Chicken book drive,
Aubrie Williams
Shannon DeVido
yeah, it's our little library,
Alison Zeidman
free little library, just like stuffed with 50 Shades of Chicken
Aubrie Williams
that's Such a good bit, and there's a few right by me, and I would be willing, I
Ralph Andracchio
I would be, yeah,
Aubrie Williams
just temporarily remove all the books,
Ralph Andracchio
expand everybody's horizons. All right. Number three, who is the sexiest food mascot.
Alison Zeidman
Uh oh I can't read my own handwriting. I have no idea what that says. Second I was gonna say, not necessarily my type, but Chester, the Cheetos cheetah,
Aubrie Williams
Alison Zeidman
like a bad boy, you'd be like, can change him, yeah,
Ralph Andracchio
A little full of himself, but yeah I can see it,
Shannon DeVido
He's Taylor Swift's type,
Alison Zeidman
yeah, yeah, and then yeah, then her fans would be like, what? Like, he's racist, and she'd write a whole album about him. Yeah? Everyone else get's that that vibe right? Like we all
Aubrie Williams
For Chester? yeah for sure,
Shannon DeVido
every time I see him,
Alison Zeidman
um, I also again, like, not my type, and maybe not particularly sexy, but you know who I think fucks? the Pillsbury Doughboy,
Ralph Andracchio
Oh absolutely,
Shannon DeVido
oh 100%
Alison Zeidman
Aubrie Williams
You literally, touch his belly button and he goes ho ho ho ho,
Alison Zeidman
Aubrie Williams
that is a kink.
Alison Zeidman
There's, there's some people that love that,
Ralph Andracchio
Alison Zeidman
Love that,
Shannon DeVido
Yeah, he's a short king,
Ralph Andracchio
Don't yuck any yums yeah,
Shannon DeVido
Short king with a dad bod. I mean, what more do you want?
Alison Zeidman
Very short king.
Shannon DeVido
Who also supplies you with cake products and delicious croissants. And quite honestly, what more do you want? I? You know what? I take it all back. That's my dream man. Um, all right,
Alison Zeidman
yeah, he makes perfect. Perfect boyfriend, perfect. Like, sexy, little sweetheart, short King, perfect boyfriend. Chester Cheetah would be like, I don't know, here's some more fucking Cheetos. Like, and you'd like, I really getting sick of these Cheetos, yeah,
Aubrie Williams
He would leave his dust all over ya.
Shannon DeVido
Yeah. Your hands are a mess afterwards.
Aubrie Williams
So sorry.
Alison Zeidman
No, it had to be said Aubrie, it's okay.
Shannon DeVido
You're correct. All right, what would your sexy cookbook be called? And why?
Alison Zeidman
Um, I feel like I tried to, like, come up with some silly things for this, but I feel like I'm not enough of like a, like a cooking food person to, like, know enough actual cookbooks. So I then I was like, okay, porn name. So I was like, "Debbie Does Dishes". That's just really...
Aubrie Williams
Oh I love it! Debbie Does Dishes
Alison Zeidman
"The Actually Naked Chef". Remember that guy, like years ago, who called himself... So, yeah, very, very tropical reference. And then this might be, this might be it... Raw. I feel like Raw could be very
Aubrie Williams
Chef's kiss
Shannon DeVido
Aubrie Williams
Simple. Raw, if you will
Ralph Andracchio
Alison Zeidman
Oh my gosh. And then like, yeah, all these like influencers, could take photos with the books being like, I like it Raw. Like, Oh my gosh, I should write this
Aubrie Williams
Stripped down. Yeah, that's your next
Shannon DeVido
And then someday, three weird comedians will have a whole podcast where they make all the recipes and invite their friends on to do the same.
Alison Zeidman
I would be honored. Let's be back here. Let's like meet back. Let's circle back in like, five years.
Aubrie Williams
Alison Zeidman
Write it and, like, find a publisher and learn how to cook. That might be a prerequisite for writing a cookbook.
Shannon DeVido
Aubrie Williams
It's Raw
Alison Zeidman
It might take 10 years. Oh yeah, no.
Alison Zeidman
You don't have to cook anything
Aubrie Williams
It's like take something out of the fridge, put it on a plate, boom, done.
Alison Zeidman
That just shows how, how far I have to go with learning about cooking, though I was like, how do you cook raw food?
Aubrie Williams
That's so good. So yeah, we could have you on a season three. I mean, honestly, it feels like it will take as long as we thought it would.
Alison Zeidman
Recipe one... carrots, Go buy some carrots.
Aubrie Williams
I would love that, because that's so much easier than this
Alison Zeidman
And like baby carrots. You don't even have to peel them. You do nothing
Ralph Andracchio
It would be like a textbook. The recipes get hard - more complex as you go on. Like it starts out with, is it lettuce? Just on a plate? But then the next chapter, it's like,
Alison Zeidman
Yeah, you've mastered Iceberg lettuce. Are you ready for salmonella safe raw chicken. How do you how do you not cook chicken and make it safe? Crack that... this book is going to be a best seller
Shannon DeVido
the last, their last recipe is just like, what's the isn't it blowfish or whatever, where you have to, like, that,
Aubrie Williams
Oh, yeah,
Shannon DeVido
cut it like a very specific way, or you die.
Aubrie Williams
Shannon DeVido
it's basically like diffusing a bomb
Aubrie Williams
I would never sign up to eat that, to cook that, like, who's doing that? I don't know.
Shannon DeVido
I know I wouldn't
Ralph Andracchio
No thank you.
Aubrie Williams
No, that sounds like a pinkish piece of chicken. I'm already freaking out. So
Ralph Andracchio
I think we're fine.
Aubrie Williams
I think we're fine
Alison Zeidman
You were so pro salmonella not 30 minutes ago, and now you're going oh, I don't know. I'm too good for the pink chicken.
Aubrie Williams
You all know me, and you know I've done worse. My health insurance just kicked back in so,
Alison Zeidman
oh, you're fine then, yeah, eat the chicken
Aubrie Williams
I just don't want to vomit in Ralph's beautiful, pristine kitchen.
Ralph Andracchio
No, do it.
Shannon DeVido
It tastes different
Alison Zeidman
You know, if you do, that's just an excuse for him to hit up a cabinets.com.
Aubrie Williams
Yeah, this is what happens when improvisers get back together in a room. Sorry.
Ralph Andracchio
Alright last one?
Aubrie Williams
Okay, yeah, last one, sorry that I was doing a bit. Uh, okay, kill fuck marry... oranges salsa and marshmallows.
Alison Zeidman
Oh, okay, um, right away I was like, marry salsa. I just don't think I'd get tired of salsa. Um, I had a hard time going between kill and fuck for marshmallows and oranges, which is like, those are two very different things. But I was like, I can see it either way for either of them. I think I am gonna wind up going with fuck oranges. It feels like more of a like, a sec there's juices and the peeling is like, you probably have to be, like, skilled to do that. Like, really well, um, I'll just kill marshmallow. I just like, I can't, you know, a marshmallow can be like, a marshmallow can be really good, but it can also be really, really bad,
Aubrie Williams
Alison Zeidman
So to save anyone from eating a stale Marshmallow, I will just kill that fucking marshmallow.
Ralph Andracchio
I I still have a sense memory of, Oh, my God, this has to be like, 20 years ago. I was, I was seeing this random dude, and he had a fire in the back of his - not like a fire, but like a little fire pit in his backyard. And we were roasting marshmallows and drinking beer, and it was the worst fucking combination ever. And I can still taste it in my throat like how disgusting at all. And now to this day, I still can't eat roast marshmallows because my body's like, Absolutely not. We remember what happened. So don't I didn't, like, get sick or anything. It just, like, it stays with you for a long time
Ralph Andracchio
No, yeah, yeah. Bad idea.
Shannon DeVido
Who decided on that combo?
Aubrie Williams
Ralph Andracchio
I we, I was young and in love.
Aubrie Williams
Yeah? It happens
Alison Zeidman
Yeah. Now you clearly buy your choices in cookbook. You have excellent taste in food.
Ralph Andracchio
I know it's just careening downhill, yeah for the last 20 years. What are you gonna do? Speaking of careening, we are careening towards the end of this episode. This has been a lot of fun. I think.
Aubrie Williams
I agree.
Ralph Andracchio
Yeah, this has been - anything - We don't know when this episode's gonna come out, hopefully within the next month, but if you have anything that you want to plug long term, or anything you want people to read or watch or listen to now's your chance.
Alison Zeidman
Sure, I am in the beginnings of working out a hour long solo show. It's kind of stand up storytelling, very - it's called Ready to Die? with a question mark. And it's super dark jokes about dead parents and elder care and end of life planning, which sounds fun, right? Like that sounds like a comedy show. So I'm doing that the next time that I'm workshopping it will be June 30, at 48 record bar, unless that date changes,
Aubrie Williams
When you post we'll will update the audio. AI there or anything,
Alison Zeidman
yeah, and then, you know, we'll be hoping to do that show more and more in the future, maybe in a city near you, maybe sponsored by cabinets.com
Aubrie Williams
Yeah, yeah, a partnership is born,
Alison Zeidman
The cabinets.com Tour.
Aubrie Williams
Yeah, they're gonna have their own theater one day. They dream bigger
Alison Zeidman
Stadium like they're
Aubrie Williams
like the Wells Fargo
Alison Zeidman
Cabinets.com Arena. Next is gonna be the cabinets.com Arena. That's the next. That's the next big website I'm calling.
Ralph Andracchio
I think they should just hire all of us as their new marketing team, because this was gold we're coming up with
Alison Zeidman
How many times do we get the word out in under an hour? I mean,
Aubrie Williams
I mean, at
Ralph Andracchio
At least 50 times,
Aubrie Williams
at least, yeah, yeah. I was gonna say multiple dozens, but I right. I wasn't keeping count.
Alison Zeidman
It was, it was more than they've done in the last hour.
Aubrie Williams
I think we should get a commission,
Ralph Andracchio
they have dropped the ball a little bit on their marketing. Shannon any last words,
Shannon DeVido
I'm just really excited for your sponsorship toward i i just really happy for you. No, other than that
Alison Zeidman
I say I'd hook you up with some free cabinets, but like, you're gonna get them too. So
Shannon DeVido
yeah, I mean, yeah. And honestly, I just, I just want the the knobs that go on the front,
Ralph Andracchio
They are the jewelry of your kitchen.
Shannon DeVido
I Yeah, and I love jewelry. So that's not even true. I don't know why. I just said that. I
Alison Zeidman
I was gonna say the nipples of the cabinet, and you're saying I shouldn't have, I shouldn't have said it at all.
Aubrie Williams
We have to, we have to go big.
Ralph Andracchio
I wish more people on HGTV would say that. You know, the cabinet pulls are really the nipples of the kitchen.
Aubrie Williams
And then if we want to keep it sexy
Shannon DeVido
On your show, on your, your House HuntersShow,
Alison Zeidman
I when you guys did that back to back, like, the first time it was more centered. And I was like, I see it. I can see it. I see Yeah, yeah.
Shannon DeVido
That's their new poster.
Aubrie Williams
Point to a sconce, point to a...
Ralph Andracchio
The nipples of the cabinets are right there.
Aubrie Williams
Oh yeah. Tweak em baby. Tweak em. We can open and we can open an OnlyDoors account, if we really want to get...
Alison Zeidman
Another marketing avenue the cabinets.com...
Shannon DeVido
only doors.
Aubrie Williams
Hey, we gotta keep it sexy here at sexy chicken season two.
Alison Zeidman
I think we succeeded.
Aubrie Williams
I think we did it
Alison Zeidman
very sexy the entire time.
Ralph Andracchio
Anything? Any final thoughts?
Aubrie Williams
Uh, we are still here, and I love that about
Ralph Andracchio
Yeah, we're not sick.
Aubrie Williams
We're not sick yet.
Ralph Andracchio
No we're fine. We're gonna be fine. Everything's fine.
Aubrie Williams
I also, like, I do love a skewered food. It's kind of fun to eat, like, but it gets tricky, and you have to use your hands.
Ralph Andracchio
It takes us back to our roots as a hunter gatherer society.
Shannon DeVido
These people. It's a chicken popsicle, if you will.
Aubrie Williams
I don't like that. You're welcome.
Shannon DeVido
I'm so glad we're leaving on that note,
Ralph Andracchio
On that on that note. Thank you, Alison, for being such an amazing guest. This has been so much fun, and we're all very proud of you, and you're doing amazing work. You're doing the Lord's work. Keep it up.
Alison Zeidman
Me and Mother Theresa,
Ralph Andracchio
Right, yeah. But only one of you still kicking
Alison Zeidman
Yeah. Only one of us is still doing the Lord's work, right? Yeah. Again. What has she done lately? To call it back to my career.
Ralph Andracchio
0% all right, before we get struck by lightning. Thanks everybody for listening to this episode of Cookbook Obscura, and remember to always eat responsibly. See you next time. Good night everybody.
Transcribed by https://otter.ai